Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 568 The Stolen Swastika

Haiyan finally knew the name of his opponent, but to him, the name Berenik might not have meant much from the beginning.

At this time, he felt that something was changing in his body, and his connection with a certain existence was shaking.

"I will be the new owner of your precious swastika."

Could this strange feeling mean that the connection between me and the Zanpakutō is being pulled away? Can this Quincy really steal my Swastika?

The Star Cross in Berenik's hand emitted dark blue light, forming a blue spider web pattern in the air, and then suddenly retracted, like a suddenly clenched fist, sucking all the rain from the sky into the Star Cross. middle.

The long-handled umbrella in Haiyan's hand also flashed with white light at the same time. It seemed that even he himself didn't react. I don't know when or why his swastika was automatically released. What he held in his hand was exactly like a samurai sword. , the most primitive Zanpakutō.

The face that had never shown any doubts was now dull. Haiyan kept calling Naohua's name in her heart, but she never got a response.

It disappeared, at least from Haiyan's point of view, Niaohua completely disappeared. It was not like being sealed, which added an insurmountable barrier between him and Niaohua, but it was as if he was dead, and his own swastika disappeared.

"The swastika is your strongest means of death, right? Without the swastika, what else can you do?"

Berenik shook his head and replied for Haiyan: "You can't do anything but kneel at our feet. No matter how unwilling you are, you have to admit your failure."

Yes, what else can he do if he loses his swastika? He couldn't defeat the Quincy in front of him at all, and he couldn't escape under the opponent's nose. The outcome was indeed decided.

However, I support the other party's wishes. Since my swastika was taken away, I should be able to get it back.

The flame of hope rekindled in Haiyan's eyes. He stared at the star medal that had not been taken away from the opponent's hand. From his own swastika to the swastika being taken away, the only change was the star medal that his opponent took out. This must be the way to take back the swastika. key.

Berenik noticed Haiyan's gaze and raised the star medal again: "Do you think that destroying the star medal can get your swastika back? Haha, can you do that now?"

Destroying the Star Medal was indeed Haiyan's idea of ​​taking back the Swastika. He listened to what the other party said and did not deny this possibility.

But even if Berenik denies it, he still has to try. As for whether he can do it, it can only be said that it is difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, he will try.

Maybe he is no match for the opponent without a swastika, or maybe he himself knows that the outcome is decided, but the only thing he cannot accept is to wait for failure to happen without doing anything. This is the only thing that Shiha Haiyan cannot do. of!

Haiyan clenched her Zanpakutō with both hands and rushed towards Berenik like a flying child fighting against fire.

Berenik just lazily raised his crossbow and pulled the trigger: "You have no value anymore, so go to hell."

Five arrows shot towards Haiyan. Just as Haiyan was about to block it with her sword, the five arrows suddenly broke into two pieces in mid-air. The destruction of the spirit structure caused a big explosion, which forced Haiyan back. .



The same words came out of Haiyan and Berenik's mouths one after another with different emotions. Haiyan was confused about the sudden change in front of her and wondered whether the enemy had done it deliberately.

Berenik was a little surprised, because he knew that he had not set an arrow that would explode halfway, and even if he wanted to set such an arrow, he could not control the time when the arrow exploded.

A black and white shadow suddenly descended in front of him. It did not make a sound or stir up any waves.

Berenik's already big eyes were even wider at this moment, like a child who opened a scare box. Even though the inverted shadow hadn't made any move, his heart trembled and his legs jumped before he jumped back.

The cold white light that penetrated into the snow seemed to draw a line in the air, and the light of the knife lingered in his eyes for a long time. Depending on the position, if he had not stepped back, his palm would have been drawn with this cold white line.

Berenik also subconsciously glanced at his right hand, as if he couldn't be sure that his palm was still intact if he didn't do this.

Fortunately, there were no wounds at all on the palm, but this did not make Berenix relieved. On the contrary, his eyes were even more surprised than before, because the Star and Cross in his hand was actually cut into two halves.

"You think I'm going to cut off your hand, right?"


"I just wanted to chop off the medal in your hand, and I did it, didn't I?"

Following the joking voice, we can see that the owner of the voice is a man of medium build. He is wearing a death armor to show his identity as a god of death, and the white haori he wears shows his special identity - the captain of the Gotei 13. .

"Who are you?"

Faced with Berenik's question, Hong Jiang did not respond. Instead, he turned to Haiyan and asked: "How is it? Has the swastika recovered?"

Haiyan shook his head, he still couldn't feel his own swastika.

"There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. Since there is always a place for storage, and since the star is not there, it is the person who used the star."

Haiyan nodded seriously, and suddenly thought of something. Since this guy knew that his swastika had been taken away, then...

"When did you arrive?"

"It's been a while." Hong Jiang laughed, "How can I have the nerve to intervene in a battle that belongs to you? Besides, I won't act rashly, so I can just be a precaution."

"Who knew you were so inexperienced? It seems you still need some exercise, young man!"

Haiyan was immediately speechless and didn't know what to say. He reasonably suspected that this guy was just watching him suffer, or that he was treating him as a guinea pig in an experiment, a ruthless intelligence collector.

Seeing that the two of them were bickering, Berenik felt that he had been ignored. He did not take action rashly because he was really shocked by Hong Jiang's sneak attack just now. But when he calmed down, he didn't think that the other party would leave him completely unable to fight back. force.

Sneak attacks and frontal combat are always two different things. The previous attack seemed terrifying, but he felt that he had reacted and the gap between the two was not too big.

Besides, apart from the Star Chapter's ability to seize Death's swastika, he has other abilities that he has not used yet, so there is no reason to be afraid of this captain-level Death.

"Hey, hey, hey, if you want to make trouble, you should look at the occasion. This is not a place where you can do whatever you want."

Hongjiang turned his head and looked up and down at Berenik in front of him. Although he was a member of the Star Cross Knights, he had no impression of this person in his mind.

What ability does this guy have?


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