Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 569 Berenik’s Pressure

Yes, although Berenik's appearance is very attractive, Hong Jiang does not have this person in his impression. In his previous life, he was quite impressed by people like Hasward and Buzby in the Knights of the Star Cross. Some of his names may be Not out, but still remember the other party's abilities.

As for the Berenik in front of him, he was completely blank.

If he hadn't shown that his strength was not that of a soldier, revealed that he was a member of the Knights of the Star Cross, and had taken away Haiyan's ability, he would have thought that the other party was a powerful little boss.

"I forgot about you. Actually, you should take advantage of the opportunity just now and run away."

Hongjiang said calmly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter that should be taken for granted, "Listen to what you said, Haiyan's swastika was taken away by you, although I don't know how you took the swastika away as an item. But now it’s okay to treat it as an object.”

"My first slash was not aimed at you. If I wanted to take your life, I wouldn't have slashed at that location, right? If I wanted to kill you, I would have a place to slash."

"My intention is very simple. It shouldn't be difficult to guess based on your performance just now. It is to destroy the star medal in your hand to see if it was damaged by something. The swastika you took away will be returned to its original owner."

Hong Jiang taught Berenik like a mentor, "You know that destroying the Star Medal is useless, then I will definitely take action against you next. Although I will not let you run away, running away will definitely The right choice."

"Does it mean that even if I chop you, it won't have any effect?" Hong Jiang narrowed his eyes, "But if you don't chop you, how will you know? Even if you fail, I will determine your fate."

"Objection, I object to everything you said." Berenik said loudly, but he always felt that he lacked confidence: "How can a mere god of death be the opponent I am waiting for."

Before he finished speaking, Hong Jiang's figure suddenly disappeared, and the previous sword light bloomed in the air again. Berenik didn't even see Hong Jiang's shadow clearly, and just tried his best to maintain the static blood suit.

The God of Death in front of him was completely different from the one named Haiyan. The pressure the other party put on him was too great!

Ping! There was a crisp sound as metal struck, coming from his left side. Berenik turned his head and looked, and there was a snow-white Zanpakutō on his shoulder.

What a speed! This was the first thought that came to Berenik's mind, and then he became ecstatic. No matter how fast he could not break through the defense of the static blood suit, he would be invincible!

Then Berenik quickly swung his sword. Hongjiang refused to give in. He opened and closed his left hand and actually pinched the opponent's blade at his fingertips. Looking at the veins on Berenik's forehead, it was obvious that he was already trying his best to increase his strength. , but still couldn't break through Hongjiang's five-finger barrier.

"Can it achieve such a defense? This static blood suit seems really not simple."

Hong Jiang knew very well that his slash was no weaker than the slashes of some Shinigami who had just learned the swastika. It was even worse than Renji's slash when he had just learned the swastika.

It is not easy to block this blow, but it should be close to the upper limit of the so-called static blood equipment. When no trace of the enemy can be captured, no one dares to leave any remaining strength in defense.

But he was more interested in another thing. Looking at Berenik, whose face was a little red from holding back, Hong Jiang smiled and joked: "You are only barely able to touch the strength of a quasi-captain. You just touched the blood." How about pretending? It should be much better if you use it, right?"

"A mere god of death, a mere god of death!"

"You can't use it, right? When you showed it to Haiyan just now, you clearly removed the static blood suit and then used the blood dynamic suit." Hong Jiang ignored Berenik's roar, "It's very risky to put down your defense and attack with all your strength. , I’ve seen you fighting for a while, you don’t look like this kind of person.”

"The so-called static blood equipment and blood moving equipment cannot coexist, right?"

Hong Jiang said with a smile: "If it was just my speculation just now, then I can almost confirm it now. If not, then try cutting off my hand. It should be possible to use a blood-moving suit, right?" "

"Enough, Death!"

Berenik suddenly got angry, raised his crossbow and pulled the trigger frantically.

Seeing this, Hongjiang stopped holding on to his opponent. He only saw him raised back, his body moving back as if he was floating. At the same time, Nakazato's Zanpakutō slashed left and right, which was like raindrops of fire that were shot towards him. The arrows were chopped off by him one by one, without even touching the corner of his clothes.

Seeing that Hongjiang retreated for a while and showed no intention of attacking again, Berenik relaxed and breathed heavily.

The action just now did not consume too much of his strength, but he felt a little tired at this time. The pressure from the God of Death in front of him was really quite big. The other person's pair of fine eyes seemed to be able to see through all his secrets, and he could see every word and every action. It seems random, but it seems to contain endless murderous intent.

It's not that he can't kill me, but he doesn't want to kill me yet.

Berenik bit the tip of his tongue and used the pain to drive the unrealistic thoughts out of his mind. He was a Quincy and a proud member of the Knights of the Star Cross!

No matter his own pride or the honor and power bestowed by His Majesty, he is not allowed to lower his head to a mere god of death!

"Hahaha, I actually regret it now. I regret that I took the swastika too quickly. It would be more meaningful to take the swastika from a guy like you."

"With your level, you still don't want me to use my swastika." Hong Jiang said mercilessly: "But you can still say such things now. Should I call you brave or stupid?"

"Hahaha, you think you can kill me easily?"

"I don't think this is such a difficult thing. You should also be somewhat self-aware."

Hong Jiang crossed his arms and asked with interest: "I'm a little surprised. What gives you the courage to stand in front of me? Is it your companions who have already arrived?"

"Companion?!" Before Berenik could speak, Haiyan couldn't help but asked, "Has a Quincy arrived yet?"

"Well, it's a little later than me. I know of three. I don't rule out that some of them are better at hiding." Hong Jiang said calmly: "What, are you scared, Haiyan?"

Is this a question of whether to be afraid or not? Haiyan really couldn't help but want to punch this inconspicuous guy. No matter how confident she was, how could she break into the enemy's encirclement! Even if this person is Hong Jiang.

Now that it is certain that the swastika will be taken away, as the gods of death, they will undoubtedly cut off one of their own arms, and the possibility of accidents in the face of the siege is even greater.

Although it was touching that Hongjiang came forward to save him, it would be more valuable to bring out the information about the Quincy.

And it was said that he was saved, but is he really saved now? I really don’t know what this guy is thinking.

"You idiot!"


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