Murong Cheng heard the bluntness in her tone and raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.

"I know, your argument is that people have absolute control over their own bodies, rather than being dominated by others." Murong Cheng said, "How about today's pre-trial meeting?"

Mu Zi shook his head: "The judge's heart is softened."

If the law is strictly followed, the judge should dismiss the case directly.

"What about you?" Murong Cheng asked her, "I heard that the fetus is seven months old."

Seven months are approaching the delivery period, and now many premature babies can live well after being separated from their mothers.

Those people are also fancy this point, they want to use this case to build momentum for themselves, if only one or two months old fetal sac is lost, the outside world will not pay attention.

Mu Zi sighed lightly and said: "Of course I hope she can give birth to the child, but...this is just my hope. The womb belongs to her, and I have no right to interfere with her own wishes."

Murong Cheng looked at her quietly for a while, "Zizi, you feel relieved too."

Mu Zi seemed to be poked at the center of the matter, and his mood fell for a moment. He leaned on his shoulder and laughed at himself helplessly: "Sorry, after giving birth, my Notre-Dame disease seems to be more serious."

Murong Cheng laughed and pinched her face: "I just like the way you are sick."

"Hey!" Mu Zi patted his hand, "I just said that casually, do you really treat me as sick?"

Murong Cheng hugged her and kissed her.

The two were frolicking in the car.

After a while, Murong Cheng said to her: "Be careful, don't let her see that you are soft-hearted, she is very good at observing words and colors."

Mu Zi was taken aback for a moment: "Maybe people have already seen it..."

So Maeve deliberately wooed her just now because she saw that she actually did not approve of abortion? ...In this case, will you play the emotional card on the day of the trial?

"What are you thinking about?" Murong Cheng asked.

"Well, it's nothing..." Mu Zi sighed lightly, "I just suddenly felt that I met an opponent."


Before going to bed at night, Mu Zi held his laptop and checked Maeve's personal information online.

The slightly famous barrister has his own personal encyclopedia on the Internet, which lists the lawsuits Maeve has won and the achievements he has obtained.

After reading this, Mu Zi admired this woman even more.

Although Mu Zi's resume was beautiful and gleaming, she knew in her heart that she was taking advantage of her rebirth.

When she was Su Zi, various laws and regulations were already well-known, and she always had to fight with lawyers in court. She was thoroughly experienced, so she became familiar with the road after she became Mu Zi.

Others praised her as a genius in the legal profession, but she had only gained a few years of experience.

But Maeve has not been reborn. She has come to this day step by step. She has been a dazzling figure since she was an intern, a shining barrister, participated in political activities and contributed to the establishment of the new law.

Comparing with Maeve, Mu Zi suddenly felt that she was really simple...very simple...

Murong Cheng hugged her for a long time. Seeing that his wife didn't respond, he looked up again and found that his wife was staring at the picture of the woman in a daze.

Murong Cheng smiled and raised half of his body, and asked, "Do you know what day is today?"

Mu Zi looked up blankly: "What day?"

"Today is two months after you gave birth." Murong Cheng said.

Mu Zi: "..."

Didn't understand, so what?

Murong Cheng closed the notebook in her hand and put it aside.

"I haven't finished reading yet..." Mu Zi couldn't help but said.

"Look again when you're done." Murong Cheng raised her leg and squeezed in with a strong attitude--

The taste of time, day, time, long time.

After a brief pause, the expression on his face was relaxed, and his muscles tightened, and then swept down like a gust of wind and rain...

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