After the end, Mu Zi only felt that all his muscles and bones were loosened again, and he was no longer able to bounce back.

But Murong Cheng approached in a humble manner, opened the laptop and placed it in front of her, "Look at it?"

Mu Zi wanted to give him a "roll" word, but even her voice was hoarse and weak. She didn't want to speak, so she just glared at him.

"I'll read it to you?" Murong Cheng was full of spirits after the meal, with a particularly gentle smile.

Mu Zi closed her eyes, not wanting to look at that annoying face.

Murong Cheng didn't really think.

After a while, Mu Zi dumbly felt that someone was rubbing her body. She opened her eyes, thought for a while, and asked Murong Cheng, "How did you and Maeve meet?"

It's agreed to be honest between husband and wife, right?

It's agreed to trust each other, right?

So it makes sense for her to ask this question, not to be jealous, nor to be cautious, right, right?

"I met in France, she helped me fight the lawsuit." Murong Cheng smiled, "At that time, my life was very poor. I fought with a few street gangsters and accidentally killed people. Maeve was appointed by the court. Lawyer, according to her, it was the first time she appeared in court to defend, so it was of great significance."

Mu Zi opened his eyes slightly: "You won the lawsuit?"

"Yeah." Murong Cheng nodded, "Otherwise, it will cause death by accident, and it will be sentenced to twenty years."

Mu Zi was in a daze, feeling that the fate between people is really wonderful.

"If it is really sentenced for 20 years, and you are still in jail, should we buy some gifts to thank her?" Mu Zi asked.

Murong Cheng scrubbed her clean and hugged her in his arms. The cold skin was smooth and soft, mixed with a greasy milky fragrance, like a piece of milk tofu, which made people want to take a bite.

He did so seriously.

After biting and licking, Mu Zi cried out disgustingly before he gave up.

"I'm so thankful, she just did her job." Murong Cheng kneaded the soft flesh on her waist and said indifferently, "Later, because of my case, she became famous and was A big fancy in the industry, and hired to the United States with a high salary, if you go deeper, she should be thanked."

Mu Zi smiled and scolded him: "It's really unconscionable."

After scolding, I was very happy again, and felt that Murong Cheng had no conscience, which was really good...


A week later, Mu Zi and Maeve met again.

Although it was a closed trial, there were quite a few people in the auditorium, mainly the relatives of the Sun family, and the witnesses arranged by Maeve, the neighbours of the client, the obstetrics and gynecology doctor, and the women's federation.

Mu Zi looked around for a week and gently pressed Xin Lan's shoulder, "Relax."

Xin Lan is an orphan. Among the people present today, except for the Women's Federation, none of them are her relatives or friends. Mu Zi does not want her to cause unnecessary pressure.

Xin Lan smiled and shook his head, looking indifferent, as if indifferent to everything.

Although it was her own party, Mu Zi took over halfway and didn't have much contact with Xin Lan. She only felt that this woman was very peaceful, so peaceful that there was almost no emotional disturbance.

This quality of not being surprised may be what the surgeon has, but it is inevitable to appear indifferent.

"When I first got married, I became pregnant very quickly, but my husband thought that we were still young and should not be **** by the child. I was unwilling to give up that child, and he insisted on his own opinions. Finally, I compromised and went to the hospital. The abortion was ended, and the fetus was four months old."

Xin Lan looked at Sun Shikun not far away, with a soft smile on her face, "It's funny, isn't it? A man decides not to have a child, no one will say anything, but if a woman decides not to have a child, she must be criticized for granted. It seems that as long as there is a child, the mother must sacrifice. If you do not sacrifice, then you are guilty."

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