The crowd was in an uproar.

The faces of the jury members also showed different colors.

Xin Lan's description made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Maeve asked in disbelief, "You... call your own flesh and blood, that dirty thing?"

"Otherwise?" Xin Lan looked at Maeve with a smile, "The seed left by the **** in your stomach, would you regard it as a treasure?"

The uproar rose again, and there was a lot of discussion in the gallery.

Maeve's face changed abruptly, and she said loudly: "Request not to be recorded! The witness's testimony is not supported by relevant evidence!"

Mu Zi was also shocked.

Qu Mingjun sighed in her ear: "It's too late, even if the clerk doesn't record it, but the jury members have heard it. We haven't taken any action yet, Maeve will be played by her..."

Pity for the weak is an instinct. The jury will sympathize with the unfortunate fetus and also sympathize with Ms. Xin Lan, who suffered misfortune.

The judge struck the gavel and demanded silence, and then reminded the members of the jury: "In his testimony, the witness accused the prosecution of marital rape, but her accusation is not supported by relevant evidence, so you can ignore the testimony just now. ."

"Your Honor." Mu Zi stood up, "I want to add that no matter whether my client's body is healthy or not, whether or not my client has been assaulted, she has the right to dispose of her body at will."

"The lawyer on the other side thinks that women can ignore the human rights of the other person when disposing of their own bodies?" Maeve couldn't help but say, "Please forgive me. Does the lawyer on the other side think that women's rights are supreme, higher than the husband's reproductive rights, and even higher than children Right to life?"

"I have repeatedly said that this case has nothing to do with feminism!" Mu Zi was slightly angry. "What you see is the human rights of an unborn fetus. What I see is the human rights of this living woman sitting here at this moment. Human rights! Why should the human rights of the fetus override the human rights of the mother?! Forcing her to give birth to a child is the most serious violation of human rights!"

"But that child is seven months old!" Maeve reprimanded loudly, "He has a heartbeat! He has a brain! He is a life of flesh and blood! And your client is in good health and financial conditions, she is fully capable of raising children! "

"But she just doesn't want to raise it!" Mu Zi coldly refuted, "She doesn't want to give up a high-paying job abroad, she doesn't want to continue to endure a failed marriage, and she doesn't want to sacrifice her time and energy to accompany a child from her ex-husband! She is like that! selfish!

I also hope that she can be greater, bear the humiliation and give birth to the child, for this pure life, give up her career, give up her dream, and dedicate herself without complaint and regret! But she is selfish, she is not great or noble! She just wants to live for herself! This is her personal will, and our law respects everyone's free will! Because of freedom! The Constitution protects each of us from infringement of personal freedom! "

Maeve was angry and opened her mouth to refute, but Mu Zi interrupted her: "Do you look down on feminist rights? Do you know that women have never been able to study? Do you know that women have never been able to go out to work? Did you know that women once could not even wear pants? In 1932, the movie star Marlene Di Terry was arrested for wearing trousers and was arrested in the police station. Women began to popularize trousers for only 50 years!

Women’s rights never want to override any rights. Women’s rights are free choices. Women can choose to be business women or housewives. They can choose to wear skirts or trousers, and they can choose when to make their womb. Have a baby!

With all due respect, Miss Maeve, if you can achieve what you are today, thank you feminism for your unremitting efforts! "

-Bang, bang, bang!

The judge struck the gavel repeatedly.

Normal court proceedings do not allow such excessive arguments.

Mu Zi and Maeve stopped, and the judge took a deep look at them and said, "Now the court is adjourned, and the trial will continue tomorrow."

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