Both Mu Zi and Maeve should thank the judge for his good temper, otherwise they will both be detained for contempt of court today.

Coming out of the court, Mu Zi, Qu Mingjun, Xin Lan, and Fu Chujun waited for the elevator in the elevator room.

Maeve and her assistant came from the other side and waited for the elevator.

The people on both sides had just had a fierce dispute in the court, and now they meet again, the atmosphere is inevitably tense.

Everyone holds each other's identities and will not tear their faces easily.

But Maeve endured and endured, after all, she asked Mu Zi: "You can pursue the rights of a dead dog, why can't you help a child who is about to be born? You know that most abortions are private lives. Chaos women! They treat their lives as a child’s play, and it’s not uncommon to have five or six abortions a year! Have you seen our data report? In a small hospital with painless traffic, almost all of them are ignorant young girls!"

"I know." Mu Zi looked at her and replied calmly, "Indiscriminate private life, no self-esteem or self-love, irresponsible enjoyment of bedclothes, or easy belief in men's words, weak personality, lack of thinking ability, My life is in a mess——

So why should such a woman give birth to children? Can you afford it? Did you teach well? What good is it for her to have to be born? What are the benefits for children? What are the benefits to society? "

Maeve sneered: "According to your argument, is it true that low-income people are not eligible to have children?"

"I didn't mean that, I just hope that every child will be born in love and expectation." Mu Zi said, "Even if you really fight for human rights for that fetus today, it is meaningless, Maeve, you and I both know it. It is clear that the basic principle of human rights is to be exercised without harming the legitimate rights and interests of others. The human rights that harm the legitimate rights and interests of others are not true human rights, but false human rights.

The fetus is parasitic in the mother's body, which affects the mother's health, economic income, advanced studies, career development, etc., and has caused violations. Therefore, the human rights of the fetus are undoubtedly false human rights! "

"Pseudo human rights?!" Maeve seemed to be irritated, her face turned blue, "The pseudo human rights in your mouth are the rights that Western countries are fulfilling!

Abortion is illegal in Ireland, and the doctor who assists the abortion will be sentenced to up to 14 years in prison! Swiss abortion is illegal, and the woman who has an abortion will be sentenced to 5 years! The United Kingdom has the National Health Service Act, and France launched an anti-abortion march in 2011! There are also Spain and Italy, which have made varying degrees of restrictions on abortion! Are these all pseudo-human rights? Do you think the whole world is hypocritical? !

It is because of someone like you! Because people like you exist! The right of life will always be ignored! "

Maeve's indignation drew people's attention. Mu Zi saw several reporters playing with the camera not far away. At this time, the elevator door opened, and she didn't want to argue anymore, and walked in with a calm face.

Maeve was also persuaded by her assistant, glanced at the reporters nearby, and walked into another elevator depressed.

All pretend to be fine.

After leaving the court, Fu Chujun invited everyone to dinner, but Mu Ziwan declined the invitation. She wanted to go back to see the children.

Fu Chujun knew that her daughter was still young, so he didn't reluctantly. Qu Mingjun took a few people from the law firm to act as a representative.

When Mu Zi returned home, the nanny was playing with blocks on the children's crawling mat with Dabao and Xiaobao. The youngest daughter was sleeping, and Murongcheng was holding a video conference in the study.

The atmosphere at home was relaxed and warm. Mu Zi sighed with relief and slumped on the sofa, not wanting to get up.

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