Dabao and Xiaobao saw her and came over immediately.

The brothers were swaying, gurgling in their mouths, occasionally popping out a few words to understand, most of which sounded like aliens.

They crawled up on the sofa cushions, and the babysitter didn't help. They looked after them, letting them toss with their short arms and legs.

Mu Zi smiled, got up and went to the bedroom to change into loose and comfortable home clothes. Then he went to the bathroom to wash his hands and face. After he was cleaned, he returned to the living room. The brothers were still crawling on the sofa humming.

She couldn't help laughing.

When the two little guys heard the sound, they both turned their heads and found that their mother was not on the sofa, and their expressions were very confused.

Mu Zi walked over and picked them up, and kissed them all.

After playing with the child in the living room for a while, Murong Cheng also went downstairs. Seeing Mu Zi came back, she asked her, "Is the lawsuit over?"

Mu Zi shook his head: "People are playing tactics. They have invited a bunch of expert witnesses, and the trial will continue tomorrow."

"Why, is the situation unfavorable?" Murong Cheng looked at her face and asked, "In a bad mood?"

"Nothing..." Mu Zi sighed softly, "Just when I left, Maeve listed a bunch of foreign laws and regulations. Last time I filed a pet lawsuit with that old lady, I did the same, so I felt a little bit Feeling...Although we two have different positions, our styles of doing things are actually quite similar."

“The social welfare mechanisms in some developed countries are relatively well-developed, and they can afford them. Coupled with the role of religion and the humanistic environment, it is not surprising that there are corresponding laws.” Murong Cheng said, “I heard that the Catholic Church believes that after the embryo is formed , The soul descends on the 14th day, so killing the embryo after the 14th day is equivalent to killing a person."

Mu Zi thought for a while and couldn't help asking: "Is it because of atheism that we don't have abortion restrictions?"

"Not at all..." Murong Cheng rarely had a leisurely mind, and said to Mu Zi, "Before atheism, we were actually affected by Taoism. When Buddhism was not introduced, Taoism did not have the theory of reincarnation, thinking that the soul is divided into three souls. Seven Souls——

After a baby is born, every viscera produces Qi, which is called soul. The spirit is born from the qi, the five internal organs and five qi, the six fu-organs and one qi, the three energies and one qi altogether seven qi, and the seven qi turns into seven qi.

The soul was born later in the po for about a week. The soul comes from blood, the heart produces blood, the liver hides blood, the spleen is pure blood, and the heart, liver and spleen each produce a soul. These are the three souls.

With these three souls and seven souls together, a person truly has a soul, so from the perspective of Taoism, a fetus in the abdomen has no soul. "

Mu Zi stared at Murong Cheng like a monster.

"How do you understand this?" she asked in surprise.

Murong Cheng: "..."

You don’t know how many books and information I checked to study the corpse resurrection... Although I didn’t become a mage in the end, I remember that the background information is very familiar...

The servant brought the freshly cut watermelon, Murong Cheng stuffed his mouth into Xiaobao's mouth, and said casually: "There are too many types of religions, and it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong. The public is justified, and the mother-in-law is rational, don't think about it. That's it, we quickly finish the lawsuit so we can return to Xianghai."

Xiao Jiaojiao's cry was heard from the floor.

"It's time to breastfeed." Mu Zi handed the big treasure to the nanny and hurried upstairs, too lazy to think about complex religious issues.

The sky is big and the earth is big, the biggest breastfeeding.

The next day, Mu Zi calculated the time to feed her daughter to her full, and when she was about to go out, she received a call from Fu Chujun.

"Sun Shikun withdrew the complaint." Fu Chujun said on the phone.

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