Withdraw? !

Mu Zi was stunned.

Yesterday, when Maeve was in the elevator, she was still dying with her. How could she suddenly withdraw the lawsuit?

Fu Chujun said: "Their goal was not to win the lawsuit, but to win the public opinion. But yesterday Xin Lan broke out in court that he was raped. No matter whether the **** is true or false, they are very popular in public opinion. It’s hard to stand up...Moreover, it took a day yesterday, and today it’s obviously your home court. If this lawsuit continues, it won’t make much sense to them."

"So..." Mu Zi murmured.

I thought it was unexpected, but after listening to Fu Chujun's explanation, I felt it was unexpected.

Maeve helped Sun Shikun in a lawsuit. Of course, she did not really claim for Sun Shikun. She and her team just used the case of Sun Shikun and Xin Lan as a springboard to find a suitable opportunity for their next plans.

People often say that the time and place are good for people. In many cases, this condition needs to be fought, robbed, and made by yourself, instead of waiting for the right time and place to arrive.

It's a pity that both Xin Lan and Mu Zi made Maeve feel the pain of kicking the iron.

Maybe Maeve needs to wait for the next suitable opportunity.

"Anyway, it's finally over. Let's have a meal together tonight." Fu Chujun said, "When you return to Xianghai, it may be difficult to meet again."

Mu Zi agreed to the invitation, asked the time and place to eat, and ended the call.

She held the phone in a daze, and simply went back to the bedroom, changed back to her pajamas, and decided to go to bed to sleep for a while.

She got up in the middle of the night to breastfeed, and she had some insomnia in the middle of the night.

Murong Cheng went back to the room and saw Mu Zi lying on the bed. He was slightly taken aback, "Aren't you going to the court?"

"The other party withdrew the complaint, no need to go." Mu Zi lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Withdrawn?" Murong Cheng was also a little surprised.

Looking at Mu Zi's expression again, he seemed to have a gloomy expression. He asked, "Why don't you seem to be upset? Isn't it good not to go to court?"

"I don't know..." Mu Ziyou said quietly, "It seems that the other party made a concession, but it actually stopped the loss in time. I think the woman named Maeve is very insistent on the prohibition of abortion. She will not give up easily. ."

"I heard Maeve mentioned before. When her mother was just pregnant with her, she didn't want a child and had abortions many times, but the family kept stopping and persuading her..."

Murong Cheng remembered the past and told Mu Zi: "Later, I secretly bought the anti-fetal medicine, but I don’t know if it was because of the fake medicine or the medicine was not effective enough. Her mother was in pain for two days, but in the end nothing happened. Fate."

Mu Zi was surprised: "How did Maeve know?"

"My parents quarreled, she heard it." Murong Cheng replied.

Mu Zi was silent for a while, and then couldn't help asking: "What happened later? Did her mother not like her?"

Murong Cheng disapproved: "It's his own flesh and blood. I don't like it. The relationship between mother and daughter should be pretty good, but some things have become knots. No matter how you make up for it, it's useless."

Mu Zi felt a little heavy in her heart. Some things will not happen for no reason. When you get to the bottom of it, the final facts hidden under layers of causality are always not so easy and pleasant.


For dinner in the evening, Fu Chujun also invited Murong Cheng. Murong Cheng had no plans to go, and he always had to leave a person to look after the children.

Although there were three babysitters from Xianghai, Bai Wei was not there, and it felt like one of the main players was missing. It's not that the babysitter doesn't work hard, but Mu Zi and Murong Cheng habitually rely on Bai Wei.

If Bai Wei is there, it seems that there is no need to worry at all.

But when Bai Wei is not there, the young couple still have to struggle whether the nanny's method of bringing the child is correct.

In the final analysis, there is no way to completely trust the nanny.

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