Fu Chujun hosted a small dinner at home and invited friends from the Women's Federation and some lawyers from Mingjun Law Firm.

Xin Lan was also there, wearing a sleeveless black evening dress with a semi-transparent champagne-colored silk satin cloud shoulders on her shoulders, which had the charm of a mature woman.

With a gentle and peaceful expression, she talked softly with her friends from the Women's Federation, thanking them for their help during this time.

When he saw Mu Zi, Xin Lan walked over with a glass of wine and thanked Mu Zi.

Mu Zi smiled and said, "I just did my part."

She has no likes or dislikes for Xin Lan, just a little curious.

There are many impetuous people in society, like Xin Lan, no matter what happens, they will look cold and indifferent, which is really rare.

Mu Zi chatted with her casually, and asked: "Now that the lawsuit is over, do you have any plans in the future? Or do you want to settle abroad as originally planned?"

Xin Lan smiled and said, "Not so fast. I plan to go abroad to relax and find a place with good scenery to stay for a while."

A woman nearby heard it and joked: "Maybe we will have an encounter and meet a good man."

Everyone laughed.

Someone kindly reminded Xin Lan: "When you go out, you should be careful as a woman. Whenever you go, you'd better find a reliable local guide."

Xin Lan said, "It's okay to have a friend with me."

Everyone stopped the topic at the right time and didn't ask her friend whether her friend was a man or a woman. The topic quickly shifted to the scenery of various countries. Everyone talked and laughed and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Mu Zi didn't want to be too late here, guessing that the time was almost up, and he was ready to leave.

Before leaving, she went to the bathroom and met Xin Lan.

Xin Lan touched up her makeup in front of the washbasin, her silk satin shawl fell on her elbow, her handful was like a crescent moon in the water, so charming.

There are actually quite a few women in their thirties who live so gracefully and exquisitely, but Mu Zi always feels that Xin Lan's temperament is unique, it is hard to describe, it is the kind of uniqueness that is unforgettable.

"Wait a moment." Xin Lan smiled at her slightly, "It will be done soon."

Xin Lan faced the mirror, traced the lipstick, and then let her position out sideways.

Only then did Mu Zi discover that Xin Lan had a palm-sized tattoo on her left arm, which was a black rose.

The two passed by, Mu Zi was slightly startled, some pictures flashed in her mind, seemingly incredible, she turned her head and looked at Xin Lan again——

Xin Lan turned her back, gently pulled up the semi-transparent silk satin shawl, and walked a few steps away.

...Is it a coincidence?

Mu Zi stared blankly.

The first black rose victim in my impression has a tattoo like this on his shoulder.

The time interval is too long, Mu Zi can't remember the specific pattern of the tattoo, just remember it is also a rose...

In fact, even if it is the same as a tattoo, it does not mean much.

After all, the second victim did not have a tattoo on his body, so the tattoo has never been used as a landmark clue for in-depth investigation.


Mu Zi looked at that figure, thought for a while, and called the other party: "Ms. Xin."

Xin Lan stopped and turned to look at Mu Zi.

"Your tattoo is very beautiful." Mu Zi asked with a smile, "Can I see it again?"

Xin Lan fixedly looked at Mu Zi, for a moment, pursing his lips and chuckles, "Of course."

She loosened her shawl, revealing her slender upper arm, and said unhurriedly: "When I was young I liked tattoos, so I got this tattoo. I still remember that the tattoo master at the time told me that people are destined to be lonely. Apart from tattoos, nothing can stay with you forever."

Mu Zi studied the pattern carefully, and raised his eyes to look at her, "Why is it a rose? Does it have a special meaning?"

Xin Lan lowered his eyebrows and stared at the tattoo on his shoulder: "This is an agreement with a friend. We all have tattoos."

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