Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1218: The mysterious black rose (Zhuang Jia + Yu Yang)

Outside the door of an ordinary two-bedroom apartment, it was crowded with people at the moment. The police pulled up a yellow and black cordon at the door, and the neighbors nearby watched whisperingly.

Yu Yang habitually glanced at his watch, 3:43 in the afternoon.

On such a hot summer day, it is reasonable to say that every family should close their doors and windows and enjoy the air-conditioning indoors.

"Prosecutor Yu Yang." A police officer greeted Yu Yang and pulled the cordon higher so that Yu Yang could come in.

"The deceased was 17 years old and his name was Meng Xiaotian. He was from Hancheng. The neighbor said she was a tenant here and had little intersection with the neighbors. Everyone didn't know much about her."

The police officer handed the ID card to Yu Yang. Yu Yang had already put on rubber gloves, took it and scanned his eyes, frowning slightly, "I just turned 17 years old and have no adulthood. What about her parents?"

"Have already called. Her parents are in Hancheng and are on their way here."

Yu Yang nodded slightly and continued to walk in, and saw the corpse lying beside the coffee table.

The girl's belly was a little bulging, and there was blood between her legs.

Yu Yang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the police officer beside him: "She is pregnant?"

The police officer replied: "The forensic doctor initially estimated that the cause of death was drug poisoning during the pregnancy period of about 5 months. He took an abortion drug. The possibility of accidental death caused by self-administration of abortion drugs cannot be ruled out."

Yu Yang looked around, looked at the kitchen, then at the bedroom, and walked out and asked, “Who turned on the air conditioner in the living room?”

"It was on when we came," the police officer said.

"The possibility of homicide is very high. Looking at the furnishings in the house, the life of the deceased is not rich. There is no need to turn on the air conditioner in the living room when he is in the bedroom." Yu Yang pointed to the messy blanket on the bedroom bed, "It should be resting on the bed. When someone knocked on the door, the deceased got up to open the door and turned on the air conditioner in the living room.

There are no water cups used by the guests on the coffee table, and the sink in the kitchen is dry, and there is no trace of cleaning the cups, indicating that the people who came here did not drink water.

On such a hot day, the visitor did not even pour a glass of water, indicating that the relationship between the deceased and this person was either very hostile and did not want to entertain, or very close and did not need to be polite. "

As Yu Yang spoke, he glanced at a box of tonics beside the sofa, his voice paused, and changed his words: "It is not a hostile relationship. Check for friends who were close to the deceased, especially male friends."

"Yes, check it now."

"Where is the drug source?"

"Samples have been taken for testing, and the results will be available tomorrow at the latest."

Yu Yang nodded, "Send the result to my office tomorrow, and send a copy of the fingerprint sample. Once the suspect is locked, the fingerprint will be compared immediately."

Another police officer walked over quickly, "Prosecutor, the deceased's father had a car accident on the way."

Yu Yangwei was stunned and asked, "Is it serious?"

"Slight head injury. It should be because I was too anxious on the way here. I collided with a car when I ran a red light. However, it is estimated that I will be able to get here very late when the injuries and traffic accidents are dealt with."

Yu Yang said: "When her parents arrive, first make a note and ask if their daughter has any boyfriends they are dating."

The officer nodded and said yes.

Many things do not need to be explained one by one. The police officers will handle them as usual. Yu Yang did not stay for long and returned to the office after seeing the scene.

He was slightly surprised when he received a call from Mu Zi on the way.

"Your lawsuit is over?" Yu Yang asked.

He knew that Mu Zi was working on a divorce case recently, and the news was covering it every day.

"Well, the other party withdrew the case." Mu Zi's voice on the phone was slightly lower, with a hint of hesitation, "Yu Yang, do you remember the first victim in the Black Rose case?"

Yu Yang was silent for a while, drove the car to the side of the road and stopped.

"Why, do you have a new clue?" he asked.

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