If it weren't for clues, Mu Zi shouldn't have mentioned the Black Rose case, and there was no need for a sudden call at this time.

Mu Zi hesitated, and briefly mentioned Xin Lan's matter to Yu Yang.

"The case I have at hand is Xin Lan. She joined a chat group ten years ago. Everyone in the group has tattoos or accessories related to Black Rose. Xin Lan has a black rose tattoo on her left arm. ."

Mu Zi's voice paused for a moment, and then said: "I'm not sure if this is a clue, but if I don't check it, I'm always a little worried..."

Yu Yang stroked a piece of information in his mind and said, "Okay, I will arrange for someone to check it."

"It's best to be fast, because Xin Lan plans to go abroad in the near future, and the clues will be broken at any time."

"Yeah." Yu Yang replied, "I see."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Yang restarted the car, holding the steering wheel slightly stagnant.

He frowned and was a little suspicious. The first victim of Black Rose had a tattoo on his arm, but this information was not revealed to the outside world. How did Mu Zi know?

Finally, I thought, Mu Zi is now in close contact with many prosecutors, and maybe he has his own information channels...

The phone bell rang again. This time the prosecution and defense transaction in another case was replied. Yu Yang's thoughts returned to the complicated work and did not delve into these insignificant issues...

After returning to the office, I dealt with the procedural materials of some cases, and I was almost busy, so Yu Yang called out the black rose case file to check.

A colleague passed by his desk, glanced at it, and couldn't help asking: "Is this case being investigated again?"

The unsuccessful cases of the old age will be checked out every once in a while, and those with clues will be redistributed to start the investigation, and those without clues will continue to be backlogged.

"Before, it was because of four consecutive deaths that it was classified as a serial homicide, but it was later discovered that two cases were committed by imitators. Do you think this case can be regarded as a serial homicide?" The colleague turned over those. The data, freely complaining, "Except for the bathtub with rose petals floating, the scene is so clean that even the horns are spotless, there are no fingerprints, hair, and skin tissues. How can people go down..."

Yu Yang raised the photo in his hand: "I look at the tattoo. I haven't checked it before."

"Oh, the tattoo on the first deceased." The colleague looked closer, "Is it relevant? No tattoo was found on the second victim."

Precisely because there is no obvious connection, the tattoo was regarded as a coincidence.

People often see a dragon head, a tiger, or a skull tattoo on the street, and the pattern of roses is quite common.

Yu Yang thought for a moment, looking for the photo of the second victim.

If Mu Zi is correct, these people are all from the same chat group, then even if the second victim does not have a tattoo, he should have black rose-style jewelry.

When Yu Yang checked the information, his colleague hadn't left yet, and asked him: "It's almost the weekend. How many cases are on hand? How about going to play on Saturday and Sunday?"

"No, there are three more cases..." Yu Yang paused, and said, "It should be four. An accidental injury case has just reached a prosecution and defense transaction. A theft case will be in court next week, and a drug trafficking case. One was just dispatched today. A 17-year-old girl had an abortion and died."

The colleague listened and shook his head and smiled bitterly: "What's all this..."

Their occupations are almost all exposed to the darkest and most negative parts of society. If the criminals can be brought to justice, of course they will feel energetic, but if a case cannot be tackled for a long time, the pressure of continuous accumulation is really Indescribable.

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