In any old case, after a clue is suddenly discovered, even if it is a clue that is temporarily uncertain, it is surprising.

The next day, Yu Yang immediately found two police officers, one to check the reporter who found the victim, and the other to check related information about the chat group.

The chat group was established ten years ago, and the time is too long. It is impossible to review all the chat records, but recent records can be checked through the network supervision department.

The results found are surprising.

Xin Lan did join a group called "The Covenant of Roses", but this group has already been forcibly disbanded due to reports, because the group is full of illegal content such as yue cannons, one-night yeah, **** transactions, and bad video transmissions. .

It is hard to imagine that a seemingly ordinary woman like Xin Lan would be interested in this chat group.

After further investigation, it was found that before the disbandment of the chat group, there had been a murder case. About half a year ago, a young female group member in the group was killed by another male group member, and the male group member was sentenced to death for this. Although he insisted that he did not kill anyone, the chain of evidence was very complete, so his several appeals were rejected by the court.

So far, there is no indication that this chat group is related to the Black Rose case.

But in the dark, Yu Yang had a feeling that as long as he continued to investigate, he would definitely discover something unexpected.

Yu Yang frowned, flipping through the materials in the office.

The chief prosecutor walked in, tapped his fingers on the desk lightly, and asked him, "Is there any progress in Meng Xiaotian's case?"

"It was found that Meng Xiaotian had a boyfriend who was two years older than her, who was working in a car repair shop in another place. He was in another place when the case happened. I am asking people to verify his alibi." Yu Yang said, hanging down. He glanced at his watch, "In addition, I made an appointment with Meng Xiaotian's parents to meet at 9 o'clock. There are still ten minutes, they should be almost there.

The chief prosecutor said: "Resolve it early to avoid the spread of public opinion."

"Yes, I will urge to speed up the process." Yu Yang replied.

The chief prosecutor nodded in satisfaction. When he left, he saw the information on Yang's desk and frowned slightly, "How did you investigate the case of Black Rose?"

"I found that another case may be related to Black Rose, and I want to check it again."

The chief prosecutor picked up the pile of documents and looked at it roughly, frowning more tightly: "This person has already been sentenced, and the chain of evidence is complete. There is no doubt."

"Yes." Yu Yang nodded, "No suspicious things have been found temporarily."

He said "temporarily", which means he has not given up yet.

The chief prosecutor raised his eyes and looked at Yu Yang with a serious expression. He also knew what the subordinate’s character was. He spoke earnestly and persuaded: “It’s a good thing to work rigorously, but don’t let one lose the other. Why would a 17-year-old girl know how One corpse and two lives at home is the focus of our work now. As for the Black Rose case, it has been shelved for so many years, and it will not be in this day or two."

"I understand, the chief prosecutor." Yu Yang said.

The attorney general nodded, turned and left the office.

The other colleagues in the office, who were working at the desk originally, raised their heads and looked at Yu Yang when the chief prosecutor had left.

"Yu Yang, are you really investigating the case of Black Rose? Got a new clue?"

Yu Yang's poker face was always faint, "Not yet."

The assistant came in from the outside, followed by two middle-aged men and women in their 40s. Both of them looked haggard, their eyes were red, but their clothes were clean and decent. Judging from their dressing, they should have a good economy. Basic, typical middle class representative.

"Prosecutor Yu Yang, Meng Xiaotian's parents are here."

Yu Yang stood up and shook hands with them: "Hello, let's go to the lounge and talk."

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