There are four people in the lounge.

Yu Yang and his assistant, and Meng Xiaotian's parents.

"...Xiao Tian has been very well-behaved since she was a child. After meeting that boy, she was too rebellious. We wanted to change her environment and transfer to another school. Who knew she would run away from home."

Since Meng Xiaotian’s mother came in, her tears have not stopped, and she choked up and said: “I was also in anger at the time. When she called and scolded her when she figured it out and when she would go home again, the child was also stunned and stunned with me. Never come back! I thought she would be softened by her family if she suffered a bit outside, who knows...who knows it will..."

Yu Yang asked them: "According to your statement, Meng Xiaotian ran away from home at the age of sixteen. In nearly a year since then, have you never seen each other again?"

Meng Xiaotian's father sighed and said, "I have made several phone calls, but each time it ended in a quarrel."

Yu Yang took out a photo and showed it to the couple.

"Do you know this person?"

"It's him!" Mother Meng said excitedly, "it was this person who cheated Xiao Tian away!"

"Are you sure?" Yu Yang asked.

"Xiaotian's previous mobile phone screensaver was his photo, I remember it very clearly! I also went to the school to find a teacher. The teacher said that this boy was two years older than Xiaotian, and he dropped out before finishing high school. He was a hooligan! "Mother Meng concealed her face in pain, "If Xiao Tian hadn't left with him, maybe nothing would happen..."

Father Meng grabbed Mum Meng's shoulders and pressed heavily with a solemn expression.

Yu Yang asked a few more questions to get a general understanding of Meng Xiaotian's situation, and then sent away his parents.

"Thanks to both of you for your assistance. I will notify both of you in time when there are new developments. If you have any clues, please let me know."

Soon after the couple left, the clinical laboratory sent the test results.

Meng Xiaotian's milk contains mifepristone.

Mifepristone is a common drug used for abortion, but it only works on pregnant women within 49 days of pregnancy. Meng Xiaotian has been pregnant for 5 months. After drinking milk containing mifepristone, it caused incomplete abortion and hemorrhage, which eventually led to death.

She had called an emergency call before death. Perhaps because of her young age, she was panicked on the phone and passed out before the address was clear. When the doctor arrived, she found that Meng Xiaotian was dead. The doctor immediately called the police.

Yu Yang looked at the inspection report in his hand, silently thinking.

In this way, as long as you find out who sent the milk, you can basically lock the prisoner.

It is best to find the fingerprints on the milk carton, and then compare the fingerprints when the suspects surface, so that the physical evidence will also be available.

With lines of thought in Yu Yang's mind, the phone rang, and it was the police officer who went to check Meng Xiaotian's boyfriend to have news.

"Meng Xiaotian’s boyfriend is Li Xinyu. He said that the factory has had heavy tasks recently, so he has not been back in the past week." The police officer said, "We also asked other employees in the auto repair shop. Some people said Li Xinyu would not go home. It was because they had quarreled with Meng Xiaotian. The two seemed to be in a bad relationship and were breaking up. They often heard Li Xinyu quarreling with his girlfriend on the phone."

Yu Yang nodded and said: "Well, first bring the person back for fingerprint comparison, and pay more attention to him as a major suspect to prevent the suspect from escaping."


The whole morning passed in a busy schedule.

In the afternoon, Yu Yang went to a pre-trial meeting, followed by an internal meeting of the procuratorate. After the meeting, he returned to the office and the fingerprint samples collected on the spot had also been sent.

In Meng Xiaotian's residence, fingerprints from three people were found.

Two of the fingerprints should come from Meng Xiaotian and Li Xinyu, but there is no clue for the third fingerprint.

Yu Yang sat in the office and pinched his eyebrows tiredly.

...Who would have trouble with a 17-year-old pregnant woman?

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