Meng Zhenglin was furious at Yang's accusation.

Faced with such accusations, I am afraid that no one can remain calm.

Yu Yang just watched indifferently.

Whenever this happens, he will treat himself as a robot, without emotions and feelings, he only needs to act in accordance with laws and regulations to ensure that his work will not go wrong.

The grief and pain of the families of the victims, the hatred of criminals, the indignation of bystanders, all kinds of people, all kinds of emotions, if you have to go through everything in your heart, then this job is too tiring.

Yu Yang waited for Meng Zhenglin to finish venting, and asked him calmly: "When did you decide to take milk to see Meng Xiaotian? Have you told anyone?"

"No!" Meng Zhenglin said, "I ate at noon and saw the newly bought milk and nuts at home, thinking that Xiao Tian called the other day and complained that there was nothing at home, so I took it to her..."

At the end of the conversation, Meng Zhenglin seemed to realize something, his expression froze.

Yu Yang said, "You made a temporary decision to bring milk to see Meng Xiaotian. Therefore, you and Mrs. Meng are the only people who can seize the opportunity to inject the abortion pill into the milk."

Li Xinyu was out of town and couldn't predict that Meng Zhenglin would visit his daughter. As for other people, it was even more impossible.

The blood on Meng Zhenglin's face faded a little bit, and he muttered to himself: "'s impossible...impossible..."

Yu Yang didn't say anything, in fact he didn't need to convince anyone.

He walked out the door, and the police officer on guard stepped forward with a question in his eyes: Are you arresting now?

Yu Yang whispered: "Follow him back to Hancheng, don't be found by him."

The police officer understood and nodded.


Two hours later, Yu Yang sat in a Japanese food shop called Shangjing Kazushi, waiting for news while watching Zhuang Jia's blind date.

Today's blind date is about the worst person Zhuang Jia has ever met.

He is frivolous, vulgar, and very arrogant. He thinks that he is very charming. Ignoring the embarrassment that Zhuang Jia reveals, he keeps chatting about dishonest jokes, which is very annoying.

The more Yu Yang looked, the more displeased.

The man shows off how strong his own business is, and invites Zhuang Jia to go out to have fun after dinner. The hint is very obvious, both anxious and vulgar.

The smile on Zhuang Jia's face was reluctant.

However, even if you are not satisfied with the other party on blind dates, you must retain basic courtesy, after all, you have to give the introducer a face.

Zhuang Jia got up and went to the bathroom.

Yu Yang's cell phone finally rang.

After the phone was connected, the policeman on the other end reported to him: "After Meng Zhenglin went home, he had a big argument with his wife. He found injection needles and residual drugs in the cupboard. We have arrested Mrs. Meng. Come to justice."

Yu Yang asked: "Is there any reason for committing the crime?"

The police officer on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and whispered back: "Mrs. Meng has always suspected that Mr. Meng is cheating. She accidentally discovered that Mr. Meng was carrying her on his back and was in a close relationship with her daughter. She... she thought the child was Mr. Meng. of."

Yu Yang's mouth seemed to be blocked by a stone, so dull that he couldn't breathe.

He raised his eyes and saw the man at the next table took out a small bottle of potion, dripped a few drops into Zhuang Jia's orange juice, and then sneaked back his hand.

Yu Yang's eyes were as dark as an endless abyss.

In this world, why is there always one tragedy of this kind, or absurdity, or comical, or shocking performance before his eyes...

Yu Yang hung up the phone silently, took off his watch, gently placed it on the table, and then moved his wrist unhurriedly.

He patted the man on the shoulder.

The other party turned his head impatiently, and frowned at him, "Why..."


Without waiting for the words to fall, a violent fist hit the man's face! Nosebleeds bloom!

The man covered his face and screamed in pain, his whole body fell to the ground, and the table and chair crooked!

Diners in the store exclaimed.

Yu Yang took out his credentials without hesitation: "The prosecutor handles the case."

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