Zhuang Jia stood not far away, staring at this scene in a daze.

The man was curled up on the ground and couldn't get up for a long while. The guests next to him looked at him in amazement, and no one dared to speak.

Yu Yang called the police patrol in the nearby street, and then asked the clerk at the Japanese food store for a ziplock bag and poured a little orange juice into it.

The patrol was patrolling back and forth on a fixed street or route, getting close, and quickly rushed to the store and tortured the man directly.

Yu Yang also handed over the small bag of orange juice: "Send it to the detention center first, and wait for the results of the laboratory to come out, and treat it as an attempted rape."

When the patrolman took the people away, the atmosphere in the shop slowly recovered...

Yu Yang walked up to Zhuang Jia, looked up and down, and asked, "Would you like to go back?"

Zhuang Jia finally recovered and nodded quickly.

After the two settled the bill, they left the Japanese food shop one after another, and he drove Zhuang Jia home as usual.

The speed is steady as always.

Zhuang Jia said nothing all the way. She stared out of the car window for a while, then suddenly laughed.

Yu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at her from the rearview mirror.

Perceiving Yu Yang's gaze, Zhuang Jia hurriedly adjusted her expression, but she couldn't help but hide the laughter on her face.

"What's the matter?" Yu Yang asked.

She pursed her lips, glanced around, glanced out of the car window, and whispered, "Nothing."

Yu Yang did not ask any more, holding the steering wheel to continue driving.

The car stopped at the intersection of the traffic light, and when he waited for the red light, Zhuang Jia snorted again.

Yu Yang looked at her again, although he didn't ask aloud, his eyes were confused.

Zhuang Jia touched her face awkwardly, feeling a bit hot, probably flushed.

"It's okay..." She muttered embarrassedly, "I just suddenly remembered the joke that the man just said. It was disgusting at the time, but now that I think about it... it's funny..."

"What joke?" Yu Yang asked.

Zhuang Jia's cheeks flushed, "It's that kind of... lustful joke."

"Oh." Yu Yang nodded slightly, "Is it funny? Tell me."

Zhuang Jia: "..."

This...a bit hard to tell, right?

The time to wait for the red light is very long for some reason.

The long silence in the car caused the atmosphere to stagnate in embarrassment. Yu Yang turned his head to look over, his expression was always indifferent and calm, "Why don't you speak?" he asked Zhuang Jia.

"Actually, it's not very funny..." Zhuang Jia struggled for a while, and opened her lips. "He said, he would be a cow and a horse for me, but he wants me to... give him, um, grass."

Continue to be silent.

Zhuang Jia's heart became chaotic.

It's embarrassing not to tell a joke, it seems even more embarrassing to tell a joke.

To ease the atmosphere, she shrugged pretendingly and smiled: "Very vulgar, isn't it? Hahaha..."

The red light finally turned green, and Yu Yang held the steering wheel to continue driving without responding.

Zhuang Jia became even more uncomfortable. "That... don't prosecutors usually like to tell jokes?"

"Occasionally." Yu Yang said, "Work is work, and private life is private life. After get off work, we sometimes go to dinner, KTV, and card games. There are also jokes."

"Really..." Zhuang Jia murmured, but her expression showed doubt. I always think that people like Yu Yang should make a pot of tea even if they have fun, and talk about life in a serious manner.

"Don't believe it?" Yu Yang Dan lightly smiled, "I will also tell you an adult joke."

Zhuang Jia was startled and looked at him with wide eyes.

Adult... a joke?

"In the past, Sphinx liked to ask passers-by, if the mother and wife fell into the water at the same time, which one would they choose to save?

If the passerby chooses his mother, the Sphinx will kill the passerby under the pretext of being unfaithful to his wife. If the passerby chooses his wife, the Sphinx will kill the passerby under the pretext of being unfilial to his mother. In this way, the Sphinx killed many people.

One day, the Sphinx met Oedipus, and then the Sphinx jumped off a cliff and committed suicide. "

Zhuang Jia: "???"

...What did I hear?

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