After Yu Yang finished the joke, he waited for a while, but he didn't hear the laugh, and he was puzzled.

Raising her eyes and looking in the rearview mirror, she saw Zhuang Jia's dumbfounded look and asked her: "You don't know Oedipus?"

Zhuang Jia was at a loss.

Yu Yang smiled and reminded her: "Oedipus is a tragic figure in ancient Greek drama. He married his mother."

Zhuang Jia suddenly realized.

However, after suddenly, it didn't feel funny...

On the contrary, Yu Yang himself laughed twice.

Zhuang Jia: "..."


Twenty minutes by car, Yu Yang took Zhuang Jia to his door.

After Zhuang Jia got out of the car, recalling what happened today, she walked around to the car, took out a slap-sized sunny doll from her bag, and handed it to Yu Yang.

"This is for you, thank you today."

Yu Yang received it, turned it over, and found that the bottom of the Qingtian doll was printed with four words: Shangjing Heshi.

This is a gift from the Shangjing Washoku Japanese Food Store, and it is also considered the store mascot.

When I sent it out, I didn’t think it was. Now that I saw this line of small prints, Zhuang Jia suddenly realized that she had done something stupid: It was originally Yu Yang’s treat today, and they spent money to get a gift, and she gave it to him as a gift... …

Zhuang Jia feels embarrassed!

The corners of Yu Yang's mouth curled slightly, and a faint smile evoked: "It's good to be cute. I've eaten at that store many times, and I've never gotten a souvenir."

He shook the Sunny Doll in his hand and looked at Zhuang Jia again, his eyes gentle: "Go in, good night."

Zhuang Jia nodded with a blushing face, turned around and walked into her courtyard step by step. The sound of the engine gradually faded behind her, and she couldn't help but glance back.

The heart is still beating suddenly.

She clutched her chest and let out a sigh of relief, and said to herself: "He seemed to praise me for being cute just now?"

My heart is a little confused.

Some things seem to be different from the past.

I can't tell if it's just a temporary throbbing... The feeling is always subtle, and the tempest is even more difficult to capture. Maybe when the sun rises tomorrow, all emotions will return to the original.

Zhuang Jia walked into the room thoughtfully. Her mother, Shen Xinru, was sitting on the sofa applying a facial mask, flipping through a fashion magazine.

"I'm back." Shen Xinru glanced at Zhuang Jia, "There is peach gelatin soup in the kitchen."

Zhuang Jia waved her hand lazily and said, "I don't eat anymore, I'm a little tired. I'll go back to the room first."

She went straight back to the room, put down her bag, lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling, her mind was messed up.

Yu Yang and she are people of two worlds.

One is cold, one is hot; one is restrained, one is presumptuous. His age is also seven or eight years old, and his hobbies are even worse. No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility of further development...

"What do you want to do?" Zhuang Jia stared at the ceiling and muttered to herself, "People may not like you."

The door was knocked, and Zhuang Jia sat up.

Shen Xinru took off the mask to reveal a well-maintained face, leaning against the door frame, "How about a blind date today?"

Zhuang Jia pouted her lips and didn't answer directly: "It doesn't matter if a man is lustful, but he can't be an anxious one. It's too boring to play with medicine."

Shen Xinru frowned, was silent for a moment, and said coldly: "You are so courageous to dare to hit your idea. Just leave it alone and I will handle it."

"No need." Zhuang Jia pursed her lips. "I just met a friend of the prosecutor who has already sent the person to the police station."

"...A prosecutor friend?" Shen Xinru suspiciously, "Who?"

Zhuang Jia said nothing.

Without knowing what he thought of, Shen Xinru’s face showed a slight smile, “Aunt Hu told me a strange thing just now. She said that the eldest lady obviously goes to a different man on a blind date, but every time she goes home, she sits. All cars are the same."

Zhuang Jia's face was burning with fire, and her voice was like a mosquito: "What's weird, prosecutors represent the government and should love taxpayers..."

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