The temperature in the morning was slightly cool, and the heat gradually subsided.

A row of tall plane trees outside the prison gate was dragged into long shadows by the sun, surrounded by birds and birds singing cheerfully.

Yu Yang stopped the car and entered the prison after showing his credentials. He happened to meet Jiang Ci in the front compound.

The two met each other.

"Why are you here?" Yu Yang glanced at the prisoner with drooping eyebrows behind her, "has a mission?"

"Yes." Jiang Ci patted the prisoner on the shoulder.

With every shot, the prisoner shivered.

"There is a theft organization, the head has not been caught, pointing to this kid to help us do the internal response." Jiang Ci smiled, took a few more shots, and said to the prisoner next to him, "Behave well, you know? Not everyone has the opportunity!"

"Hmm!" The prisoner nodded in cooperation.

Jiang Ci looked up at Yu Yang: "Why are you here?"

"Check an old case and talk to the prisoner of the year."

Jiang Ci squinted slightly, and looked up and down at Yang, with a smile on his face.

"Something?" Yu Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay." Jiang Ci smiled, "I heard Jiajia say that you have good driving skills, which is quite unexpected."

The two passed by, and after walking a few steps, Yu Yang stopped and turned his head to look at Jiang Ci a little confused: "Driving you said driving is the same as driving in my understanding?"

Jiang Ci waved at him back, and the prisoner who led her had already gone away.

Yu Yang looked for a moment, no longer entangled in this trivial matter, retracted his gaze, and continued to walk in.

The prisoner he is going to meet today is Ge Feng, 33 years old, and he is the general manager of Pinjue Jewelry Company. He has a wife and lives in Fengtingyuan, a high-end villa area.

A proud career and a happy marriage can be said to be the envy of everyone, but such a person committed a cruel murder.

One day when Ge Feng drove out, passing by the gate of the community, the security guard found a dark red liquid flowing down his rear compartment, which looked like blood. The villa area was filled with wealthy people, and the security guards did not dare to stop them forcibly, so they said that the electric barrier for blocking the car was broken and was being repaired, and then secretly reported to the police.

Later, the police arrived and found a female corpse in the trunk of Ge Feng. Her throat was cut and blood almost filled the trunk.

Ge Feng denied the charges and said that he did not know the woman who died in his car. However, the police verified that the deceased had frequent contacts with Ge Feng on the Internet, and there were a large number of explicit chat records, which were collected at Ge Feng’s home. When it comes to the murder weapon and the woman's hair tissue, the ring on the woman's hand also contains Ge Feng's fingerprints.

The material evidence could not be denied, and Ge Feng was eventually sentenced to death. He appealed several times during the period, but was rejected on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

When Yu Yang saw Ge Feng, he could no longer see the man's vigorous look. He was decadent and haggard, his eyes were like stagnant water, and he saw no hope.

Yu Yang gently placed the photos of the two victims of Black Rose in front of the man.

"Do you know these two women?" Yu Yang asked.

Ge Feng's gaze then fell on those two photos.

Yu Yang stared at him, carefully observing any subtle expressions, but nothing, nothing.

Ge Feng's expression was lifeless, and he replied: "No."

"Look more closely, they are probably also people in the chat group of Roses." Yu Yang reminded him.

There was a sneer at the corner of Ge Feng's mouth: "There are more than two hundred people in the Rose Covenant, how can I know each one?"

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