Intuition is something indescribable.

Sometimes, intuition is a certain psychologically inclined conclusion after years of accumulated experience and comprehensive comparison.

And sometimes, intuition is completely unreasonable and emerges out of thin air, just like a writer’s inspiration, or a painter’s genius, there is not enough theory to explain its existence.

Prosecutors investigating cases sometimes have this intuition.

Yu Yang's instinct told him that Ge Feng was not the murderer.

If he is the person in charge of this case, he has the right to apply for a thorough investigation, but he is not, so the only thing he can do is to help Ge Feng find a suitable lawyer.

Mu Zi is undoubtedly the best candidate.

She is capable, prestigious, and very concerned about the Black Rose case. Taking into account Mu Zi's personal reputation, the appeal court might be merciful to Ge Feng's situation.

After all, this is a case involving the death penalty.

Once a person dies, there is nothing left.

Mu Zi hung up the phone, returned to the children's room, looked at the three sleeping children, and sighed silently...


Murong Cheng came back in the evening, and the little daughter was humming and playing with toys in the crib. The two twin sons were taken to the yard by the nanny, swaying in small steps, and Sisi slumped on the lawn motionlessly, on his back. A few crows are always resting, just like its characteristic decorations.

Murong Cheng didn't see Mu Zi's figure, picked up his son, took turns tossing them to play, and then put them down after catching them.

The two little babies giggled when they were weightless.

After teasing for a while, Murong Cheng handed them to the nanny and went straight to the master bedroom.

Mu Zi was putting his personal clothes in the suitcase.

Murong Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go to Qingjiang tomorrow morning and come back at night." Mu Zi sighed, packing his luggage, "There is a case, I'm going to see the other party's lawyer to see what the situation is, if I want to take over..."

Mu Zi paused and turned to look towards Murong Cheng.

"If you take over, you may stay in Qingjiang for more than half a month. Jiaojiao hasn't been weaned yet. I want to take her there. Dabao and Xiaobao stay in Xianghai. You and Mom will take care of them."

Murong Cheng frowned deeply, "What case?"

"The murder case has been sentenced to death, and the sentence is about to be executed in 21 days." Mu Zi also had a headache on his face, "The specific situation can only be known by seeing the other party's lawyer."

Murong Cheng thought for a while and asked, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, you are a mayor, don't always run around." Mu Zi said, "I will talk to the other's lawyer tomorrow, maybe I don't need to come out in person..."

After thinking about it, I think this possibility shouldn't be great.

It must be very difficult for Yu Yang to find her, and there are only 21 days today...

Mu Zi couldn't help sighing again. When he met with the lawyer tomorrow, there were only 19 days left.

"Don't be too tired." Murong Cheng gently hugged her waist, and put his forehead against her head, "If you are busy over there, when my affairs are over, I will take the child over to see you."

"Yeah." Mu Zi smiled, raised his chin, and kissed the corners of Murong Cheng's lips, "You take your child to see me, you are not allowed to take mom, let Mom and that Pete develop more development."

Murong Cheng smiled lowly, "Okay, it's up to you."

The next day, in order to be able to return early, Mu Zi took an early morning flight and hurried to Qingjiang to meet with Ge Feng's former lawyer.

Ge Feng served as the general manager of Pinjue Jewelry Company. The lawyer hired after the incident was a well-known barrister in Qingjiang City. However, the evidence chain in this case was complete. Ge Feng himself lacked a strong alibi. The lawsuit was very serious. Hard to beat.

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