The lawyer suggested to adopt a guilty defense and strive for a lighter sentence, but Ge Feng firmly disagreed and demanded a defense of innocence.

The outcome of the trial is obvious.

There are too many unfavorable evidences and very few strong evidences. Because of this, all of Ge Feng's subsequent appeals were rejected.

If Mu Zi wants to appeal for Ge Feng, he must find a breakthrough.

Because I called before I came here, the lawyer found out the case data six months ago, including the complete court record, as well as all the written materials and photos at that time.

"There are almost no loopholes in this case." The lawyer raised the murder case half a year ago, and said to Mu Zi, "The body was found in his trunk. The murder weapon was an old razor. The police speculated that the crime was committed. The first scene was the basement of the villa where Ge Feng lived. There was a storage room in which the hair tissue of the deceased was found."

"Where was Ge Feng?" Mu Zi asked.

The lawyer's face showed helplessness: "He said he was sleeping at home and his bedroom was on the southeast corner of the second floor."

Mu Zi frowned: "Is he alone at home?"

"Mrs. Ge had just become pregnant at the time, and she had a great reaction during pregnancy. She went back to her natal house in those few days, and the servant happened to ask for leave." The lawyer sighed. "The police speculated that he invited netizens to come home at night while his wife was not at home. It may be that there was a conflict in the intention of sexual assault. He temporarily intentionally killed the opponent, put it in the back compartment, and tried to transfer the body for destruction early the next morning."

Mu Zi said: "But he still insists on pleading not guilty, maybe he is indeed framed."

"Of course, everything is possible in this world. Maybe a mysterious person intercepted Mr. Ge Feng’s chat records, knew that the deceased had come to attend the appointment, and then avoided the surveillance cameras on the main road and did not activate the villa’s alarm. Infiltrate smoothly, wait until the deceased arrives at the villa to kill him, and then leave without knowing it."

After the lawyer finished speaking, he smiled helplessly: "But this still cannot explain why there is a fingerprint of Mr. Ge Feng on the ring of the deceased."

Mu Zi looked down at the documents and photos in his hand, and whispered, "So, you also think he killed someone."

"Yes." The lawyer nodded, "Judging from the evidence, the possibility of his innocence... is very slim."

Mu Zi's heart was heavy.

This case is tricky...


I met the lawyer and got the materials, and then Mu Zi went to see Ge Feng in the prison.

It was also the first day to make an appointment to apply, racing against time.

Ge Feng was shocked when he saw Mu Zi. He opened his mouth and made no sound, but finally there was a movement in his dull and dull eyes.

"I know you." Ge Feng fixedly looked at Mu Zi's face and recognized in surprise, "I have read your news, you have never failed!"

"Because the cost of failure will be very heavy, so I try to avoid it." Mu Zi faintly replied.

She sat down in a seat opposite him, took out a pile of materials, and asked the other person according to the usual process: "From now on, I will act as your attorney. Please tell me carefully what happened on the day of the crime. "

Ge Feng didn't seem to hear it, and he still stared at Mu Zi for a moment, with a cautious tone: "Will you help me?...Do you believe I am innocent?"

"Mr. Ge, I don't know you." Mu Zi raised his head and stared at him calmly, "I don't know what kind of person you are, but I will do my best to protect your rights. Otherwise, I don't need to come here to waste time. ."

Hearing the words, Ge Feng pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Now, can we start?" Mu Zi asked him, "Please describe what happened when the crime happened."

Ge Feng lowered his head and whispered: "I don't know... I fell asleep, got up the next day and drove to the company, but was stopped by the police, and then things you knew happened."

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