"That's true." Qu Mingjun was annoyed, scratching his hair, and sighed, "Unfortunately, I didn't find evidence of Li Shuyu's affair."

"Yes, Li Shuyu is very suspicious, think about it, a woman is pregnant, but her husband flirts with all kinds of women in that kind of **** chat group every day, even if the flesh is not derailed, it is emotionally difficult to accept. "

"If Li Shuyu wanted to punish her husband, it would be easy."

When everyone agreed, Jiang Ci poured cold water on them: "But we can't imagine a murderer in court."

The living room was silent for a moment, and it was all withered.

Jiang Ci's gaze fell on Mu Zi who had not spoken.

"What about you? What do you think?" Jiang Ci asked her.

Mu Zi raised his eyes slightly, thought for a while, and looked at everyone.

"Tomorrow I will speak first. The first witness is the police officer of the case. Xiao Ming will be responsible for the inquiry. Don't directly show the police's inadequacy. Try to attack from the side and let the jury know that there are many doubts in the case."

"Understand." Qu Mingjun nodded, "I will let him know how outrageous his work mistakes are."

"Xiao Chen, you are in charge of the psychiatrist." Mu Zi said, "Try to use simple and understandable language so that the jury can understand."

"Received." Xiao Chen raised his hand.

"I will be responsible for Li Shuyu's inquiry and the part of the closing statement."

Having said this, Mu Zi stood up slowly, looked at everyone and said: "If the situation is not clear, I will emphasize the accidental nature of the case when closing the case, and strive to change the story of homicide into accidental manslaughter.

We lack strong evidence and no witnesses enough to prove Ge Feng's innocence, but I still hope that in the court tomorrow, we can calmly take every step and firmly believe that Ge Feng is innocent.

Because only by trusting him can we believe that all the efforts we are doing now are valuable and meaningful. "

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Mu Zi said, "Everyone has worked hard these days. Take a good rest tonight and keep your spirits up."

Qu Mingjun led the lawyer away.

Jiang Ci has been living in Mu Zi's house recently, so she stayed and cleaned up the scattered materials in the living room with Mu Zi.

She is addicted to smoking, Mu Zi forbids her to smoke at home, and can only wander outside to take a couple of puffs.

It is now late September, the residual heat of summer is still there, the evening breeze is cool, and the mosquitoes outside the house are more fierce than in midsummer.

Jiang Ci had been bitten on the arms of his face while smoking cigarettes. He became more and more bored. He threw the cigarette **** and ran back quickly.

Mu Zi is looking at the photos.

Jiang Ci leaned over and asked, "Any new discovery?"

"It's nothing, I just saw an acquaintance." Mu Zi pointed out the person in the photo to Jiang Ci. "This is the person in the case I mentioned, called Xin Lan."

After deciding to investigate Li Shuyu, Mu Zi sent people to follow Li Shuyu for a period of time.

Her idea is simple-if Ge Feng feels right, Li Shuyu did have an affair, and conspired with the other party to frame Ge Feng, then the case is about to be retrial, and the two will definitely have contact.

But Li Shuyu's life is very regular. He goes to bed early and wakes up early, takes regular walks, and the only time he goes out is to go to the hospital for a birth check.

Jiang Ci looked at the photo and said, "It's a gynecologist."

In the photo is a private hospital. Li Shuyu and Xin Lan are sitting on a bench in the hospital garden, talking about something.

Mu Zi shook his head: "No, Xin Lan is a surgeon."

It seems that she was not in a hurry to go abroad, but was hired to this private hospital. As for why I met Li Shuyu, I don't know.

Jiang Ci threw the photos back into the information bag, sorted out the other scattered documents, and said to Mu Zi: "You should rest early. If this continues, my goddaughter will run out of milk."

The reality is really cruel, stress and anxiety will make breast milk significantly less.

Mu Zi smiled weakly: "Well, I'll go to bed, good night."

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