Mu Zi is indeed tired.

Fortunately, there is someone to help with the case, and the child is considered well-behaved.

She went upstairs to wash and fell asleep, and soon fell into a deep sleep. There was no dream all night, and it was dawn when she opened her eyes.

Daybreak means the beginning of a new day and war begins.

The nerves that Mu Zi had loosened because of adequate rest, tightened again.

The child was still asleep, Mu Zi got up lightly, washed and changed clothes, put on light makeup, and went downstairs for breakfast.

Jiang Ci was already up, sitting at the dining table with a piece of toast in his mouth, not dipping jam, and eating bite by bite.

"Morning." Jiang Ci said hello, still staring at his mobile phone.

Mu Zi passed by her and occasionally glanced at Jiang Ci's phone screen, which showed an extremely revealing photo.

Mu Zi stagnated, and asked in amazement, "What are you looking at?"

"I joined the group." Jiang Ci dialed the phone and said, "It's the disbanded Rose Covenant. What is it called love-rose? I saw the group message 99 when I got up in the morning. I turned it over, tsk tsk, the group owner is again The plan to establish a new group is to prevent others from reporting it again."

"Watching this early in the morning, you are not afraid of losing your appetite?" Mu Zi was speechless.

Those seductive photos are really disgusting.

"Wait for me to cut a picture and leave a piece of evidence." Jiang Ci smiled, "When your case is over, I will report both groups."

The phone clicked and wiped a few times, Jiang Ci put down the phone and continued to eat breakfast.

Talk while eating.

"Do you really believe that Black Rose will be in the chat group?" Jiang Ci asked.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"The group is full of wretched men seeking resources. The portrait given by the mental crime expert at the beginning said that Black Rose should be an elegant gentleman, a perfectionist, with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder. You say an elegant gentleman will add Enter such a chat group?"

Mu Zi chewed the food slowly, thinking for a while.

"The chat group can be changed." Mu Zi said, "The group name, group introduction, and all the information can be edited at any time. Maybe Rose's Covenant was not a chat group for emotional topics before, but someone wants to change it."

"That's true." Jiang Ci ate the toast and nodded, "Just upload some resources, and then go to the adult forum to place an advertisement, and you will attract people to join the chat group, and then set up new administrators. Give up the position of the group owner, and the old members will withdraw from the group in time periods-it doesn't take too long, the group will soon be renewed, and no one will know what the group used to do."

Jiang Ci sighed: "It's really a good way without knowing it."

After feeling, Jiang Ci felt wrong again, frowning and murmured: "If you want to cover up, just disband the chat group? Why bother to reform the chat group?"

There is no way to recover a disbanded group. Even the police can hardly trace the members, files, and chat records of a disbanded chat group.

"If it is disbanded, it will become an eternal mystery. Where there is a mystery, people will persevere in searching for the answer." Mu Zi sighed lightly, "but if you change the entire chat group, it will give people the answer, and those who have the answer , Will not continue to dig into the bottom line."

The case of Black Rose will be brought out for investigation every once in a while.

For the murderer, it was definitely a knife hanging around his neck. Even if the knife might not fall, it would make the murderer worry about it.

But if Ge Feng's charges are fulfilled and he becomes the scapegoat for Black Rose, then the case will be over, and it will be over forever.

Jiang Ci frowned and thought, and suddenly said: "Didn't it happen to have a policy six months ago? The statute of limitations for criminal cases was extended from 10 years to 20 years!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the suddenness in each other's eyes.

Mu Zi murmured: "Black Rose wants to get it right once and for all."

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