The police officer frowned slightly: "This is unlikely."

"Mr. Officer, I noticed that you have been using the word'possibility' since just now. When I said that maybe someone put the body in the trunk of Ge Feng, you said it was impossible. When I said there was another Hidden in a villa alone, you say it is unlikely."

Qu Mingjun smiled slightly, looked at the police officer on the witness stand, and asked: "A young girl who went out to meet friends in the middle of the night, but turned into a corpse the next day, do you think this is a big possibility?"

The officer frowned and his face was a little ugly.

"Did the police reduce the search for other clues because of the small possibility?" Qu Mingjun asked.

The police officer replied in a deep voice: "Of course not, we have investigated this case comprehensively and rigorously."

"Comprehensive investigation?" Qu Mingjun nodded slightly, "Then, have you investigated the chat group of Rose's Covenant? My client and the victim, Miss He Ya, met in the chat group, and both of them have quite a few. Ambiguous object, have you checked all these people?"

"Checked some." The police officer said.

"Some?" Qu Mingjun asked, "how much do some mean? Two or three? Four or five? Or more than ten?"

"The chat group soon disbanded, and users all used virtual screen names. We didn't have time to confirm the identity of everyone."

Qu Mingjun nodded thoughtfully: "It is really too difficult to find out everyone's information. Let's go, Mr. Officer, tell me about the people you found."

The police officer was silent and did not speak.

"What?" Qu Mingjun asked him, "You just said that you have checked some."

The police officer took a slow breath and replied: "After investigation, we believe that the defendant Ge Feng is heavily suspected."

"After what kind of investigation did you come to this conclusion?" Qu Mingjun asked, "Have you never investigated other people?"

"We investigated!"

"Then, please name the other suspects you are investigating."

"The result of our investigation is that Ge Feng is the biggest suspect!"

"Mr. Officer, please name the other suspects."

"Those people have all been ruled out after investigation, and your client is the ultimate murderer!"

"Okay, I still want to know the names of other suspects." Qu Mingjun was not impatient.

The police officer took a deep breath, then exhaled heavily, and replied word by word: "Your client is the biggest suspect!"

"Where was the security guard that night?" Qu Mingjun returned to the table and pulled out a document, "He Ya arrived at Fengting Garden at ten o'clock, and the security guard also turned in at ten o'clock in the evening. After that, have you checked the security's alibi? ?"

The police officer said with a calm face: "We asked, the security guard went home to sleep."

Qu Mingjun smiled: "Oh, really? My client said that he was sleeping that night. You think it was making up a story. The security guard said he went home to sleep, so you believe it?"

"No!" Guo Chang stood up.

"Let me change the question." Qu Mingjun said, "There is a person in the chat group with the nickname TJ, who is in close contact with He Ya. The chat content has repeatedly touched on topics such as love, violence, and death, and threatened He Ya. Once she betrays herself, she will pay a heavy price. Have you investigated this person named TJ?"

The police officer replied: "He has sent this message to many people."

Qu Mingjun asked: "So you didn't investigate this person's alibi on the night of the crime?"

The police officer was calm and did not speak.

Qu Mingjun came closer and looked at the police officer: "You have identified Ge Feng as the murderer, so you didn't spend time investigating other suspects, right?"

"The scene of the crime was at Ge Feng's house! The murder weapon was Ge Feng's razor! The deceased's ring had Ge Feng's fingerprints!" The police officer said in a deep voice, suppressing his anger, "Mr. Lawyer, do you think the truth is not clear enough? ?!"

"Perhaps it is clear enough." Qu Mingjun said calmly, "but if he is really wronged, then you are an invisible accomplice."

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