Qu Mingjun returned to his position, Xiao Chen and Xiao Zheng both looked excited and gestured at him with thumbs up.

Qu Mingjun sat down beside Mu Zi and smiled at her, "Is it okay?"

Mu Zi also smiled: "Well, it's much better than before."

They gained a small advantage in the question of the first witness.

The second witness was Ge Feng's psychiatrist and a defense witness invited by Mu Zi.

The psychiatrist could not testify to the circumstances on the night of the crime, but he could testify to Ge Feng's mental state.

"IE-Sex-Addiction, Internet **** addiction, means having sexual fantasies about the opposite **** or phantoms in the virtual world. It belongs to a type of addictive behavior, such as addiction to tobacco, alcohol, etc."

"Can you explain to us the cause of this mental illness?" Xiao Chen asked.

The psychiatrist said: "There are many causes, most of which are the catharsis of negative emotions. It may be long-term pressure, or not being understood, or unsatisfied xing desires, or not getting enough during childhood growth. Love."

"Doctor, as you can see, the image of my client in the chat logs is extremely corrupt and dark, with multiple references to sex, death, violence, abuse, etc., which are very different from his real life image. Do you think this Is it normal?"

"It is normal for patients to vent their emotions and stress through online chats, showing a completely different side. In fact, many patients behave very evilly on the Internet, but in the real world they have decent jobs, stable families, and ordinary people. No difference."

"So do you think he will put the content in the web chat into actual action?"

"No. As I just said, he just treats this behavior as a catharsis to release the pressure. No matter how shocking content he says in the online chat, it is just a catharsis and will never be substituted. Reality, because once it is substituted into reality, it is no longer a decompression method, but a supercharger method."

"Understood, no one wants to increase the pressure. Thank you."

Xiao Chen finished his question and returned to his seat.

Guo Chang got up and asked the psychiatrist: "How many patients have you treated so far?"

The psychiatrist was stunned, "Hundreds?... Maybe thousands?"

"Mr. Ge Feng is the most serious among all your patients?"

"It's not..." the psychiatrist replied, "It can only be considered a moderate level."

"Doctor, I would like to invite you to recall carefully, among all your patients, has anyone ever put a hypothesis into actual action?"

The psychologist hesitated: "Maybe..."

Guo Chang asked again: "Can you guarantee that out of the hundreds or even thousands of patients you have treated, no one has ever committed a crime and will never commit a crime in the future?"

The psychiatrist's face changed slightly, and his lips were pressed in silence.

"Can you guarantee, doctor?" Guo Chang asked again.

The psychiatrist shook his head slowly: "No."

Guo Chang smiled coldly, looked towards Mu Zi, and said to the psychiatrist: "That's a pity. If you can, I will probably bring all the rapists in the prison to you for treatment. "

Mu Zi's expression was indifferent, not accepting the provocation in his eyes.


After the adjournment, both parties temporarily withdrew.

In the lounge, everyone was silent.

The second witness did not play any role, making the atmosphere gloomy, and the air filled with a heavy sense of depression.

Ge Feng held Li Shuyu's hand, and the couple talked in a low voice.

Mu Zi looked at them, thought for a long time, and said, "Ge Feng, you don't have to appear in court for a while, I will directly let your wife appear in court."

Ge Feng was taken aback and looked at Mu Zi: "But you said before that I must appear in court to explain all this in person to convince the jury that I am innocent?"

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