If you want to take the road of design, it is not enough to draw the design draft. Zhuang Jia must learn to socialize.

Zhuang Jia used to do well in this regard, but after falling ill, she increasingly resisted contact with the opposite sex.

Zhuang Jiabai dialed the screen of her cell phone boredly. The picture of the man inside could not arouse her interest. She couldn't help but think of Yu Yang calling more than a month ago.

He asked himself: "Are you going to have a blind date at night?"

How did she answer at the time?

"...No, no blind date."

I have already noticed the subtle heartbeat, so how am I embarrassed to go on a blind date with another man?



There is no more...

Yu Yang said, "Get a good rest, and I will meet you again another day."

This should be just a polite remark, because for more than a month later, Yu Yang never made a call or sent a message.

Originally people from two worlds, there is no intersection, no topic, I saw his name in the address book several times, and wanted to ask a good one, but it was abrupt.

Zhuang Jia turned off her phone annoyed, thinking she was really stupid.

I knew it would be like this, I should answer "Go blind date" at that time!

At least that way, there is an excuse to invite him to go on a blind date with him.


She sighed in her heart, feeling that she was wrong step by step, every step was wrong.

Having said that, having not contacted himself for so long is enough to show that he is probably boring to himself, right? ...Take the initiative to post it, but it is annoying, forget it...

Forget it...


On Sunday, Zhuang Jia stayed at home to draw design drafts. She was fine in the afternoon. Looking at her in the mirror, she was a little haggard, so she went to the beauty salon for skin care.

The beautician who helped her massage her face praised her beautiful mouth for a while, and praised her good skin for a while.

Zhuang Jia was not surprised, lying on the beauty bed blankly.

Never pretend to be passionate and think that the other party is sincerely complimenting her.

This is just a way of selling, it is estimated that new products will be introduced later.

Sure enough, the beautician said that Zhuang Jia has dark circles under her eyes. You can try a new eye cream from their store. The effect is very good.

Zhuang Jia is a VIP member in the store, free to try new products.

Just try it.

She drew the design draft last night until 2 o'clock at night, and did stay up overnight.

The beautician massaged her eye skin and said with a smile: "After finishing this set, it will become more beautiful, but this is not the best beauty product."

Zhuang Jia closed her eyes, and said to her heart: "It's almost all right, don't keep going...

The beautician said: "Love is the best beauty product in the world. A woman in love can look radiant without any cosmetics."

Zhuang Jia: "..."

After being silent for a while, she asked: "If it is unrequited love, wouldn't it amount to disfigurement?"

Beautician: "Hehehehe, you are so humorous."

Who is humorous with you? I am sad!


The next day was Monday, and Zhuang Jia went to work in the company with a "radiant face".

Facts have proved that going to a beauty salon to **** up this face is still useful, although I don't know that love can make a woman more beautiful, but she has looked in the mirror, and the new eye cream works really well, and you can no longer see dark circles. Up.

The company belongs to her mother, Lanwei Fashion Design Co., Ltd., which specializes in women's clothing, but also makes shoes and bags. In recent years, since Zhuang Jia joined, the company has begun to get involved in jewelry design.

There are sets of jewelry specially designed for clothing, and some single products will be launched every quarter. Zhuang Jia is responsible for style control.

Having a capable mother helps Zhuang Jia save a lot of trouble in her career.

I had a few meetings with the heads of various departments, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon without knowing it.

The assistant walked in and said to her: "There is a Mr. Yu outside, and he said he had an appointment with you, let him come in?"

"Just say I'm not in the company." Zhuang Jia thought for a while and added, "Tell him, I'm going to see a psychiatrist, and I will make an appointment next day."

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