In all likelihood, this person is the blind date introduced by Shen Xinru.

However, Zhuang Jia really didn't plan to go on a blind date.

Refusal directly seems a bit offensive. It is better to tell the other party tactfully that you are sick!

Shouldn't it be time to retreat now?

Besides, she didn't lie. She was going to see a psychologist today.

Once a week, I have taken several courses of treatment. Although I have not seen any effect so far, I really relieve the pressure. Disposing of mental trash is good for physical and mental health.

Zhuang Jia guessed that it was fine in the afternoon, picked up her bag and left work early.

There are many psychological clinics here, and they are as familiar as their own home. Zhuang Jiashu walked into the doctor's psychological consultation room familiarly, lay down on the sofa, and exhaled comfortably.

"How are you doing?" Doctor Zhang pulled out Zhuang Jia's medical records and began to make notes. "Does getting along with different men alleviate your fear of the opposite sex?"

"I have no blind date." Zhuang Jia frowned.

Doctor Zhang buried his head and continued to record, "Well, what's the reason?"

"The last time I met a wretched man... In fact, it looks okay. Although I can't remember what he looks like, I still look like a person in clothes and clothes, but who knows, I took advantage of me to go to the bathroom. Kung Fu, he actually put medicine in my drink!"

Doctor Zhang was taken aback, raised his head and asked, "Is nothing wrong?"

"Fortunately, a prosecutor friend helped me out..."

"Prosecutor friend?"

"Oh, that's not the point." Zhuang Jia sat up, "The point is that I can't have a blind date! Even if I reluctantly go out for dinner with a man, I dare not even go to the bathroom, and I dare not touch the food that others buy me. I'm afraid it's not clean!"

The doctor nodded, and while recording, asked: "Are there any restrictions? Is it limited to drinks or all food?"

"I haven't tried it specifically... Anyway, after a blind date, I didn't dare to leave the table all the way, and in the end, my bladder hurt and burst."

Zhuang Jia lay back again, shaking her head and sighing, "I will never go on a blind date anymore. Blind dates are small, but the bladder is big, Dr. Zhang, you know, the bladder is very important to women. There is a meridian called the bladder meridian, which is a woman's body The largest detoxification channel in the world is to eliminate toxins, beauty and health for women. How can I wrong my bladder for a blind date? It’s not worth it..."

Doctor Zhang gave a low cough and asked, "So, will this symptom affect your attendance at some banquets? I remember the nature of your work, and you often need to attend banquets."

"It's okay. I went to a friend’s child’s birthday party a few days ago. There is no obstacle to eating and drinking." Zhuang Jia slumped on the sofa, looking at the ceiling, "But I know that if I go out to dinner with a man alone, I will definitely eat. No, who knows if those men will buy waiters or cooks and add seasonings to my plate..."

"Jiajia, your symptoms are more serious than before." Dr. Zhang sighed slightly and turned through Zhuang Jia’s previous medical records. "Your symptoms now are not just heterophobia, but more and more Tend to persecution delusion, have you tried to treat it according to the method I said?"

"I have." Zhuang Jia said aggrieved. "You asked me to try to communicate with single men. My mother arranged for me a bunch of blind dates, and filled my schedule from Monday to Sunday. If I want to go out to play in advance, I have to see a few more a day, otherwise I won't be able to complete the task!"

The pen in Dr. Zhang's hand paused, "I didn't consider this matter thoroughly. According to my expectation, getting along with single men will definitely be effective for your illness, but I didn't expect you to encounter that kind of thing... …Causes you to distrust strangers even more, and your symptoms are more serious."

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