"Hey, forget it." Zhuang Jia waved his hand, "The main reason is that I am too unlucky. Maybe I have this kind of black physique. I am engaged, and my fiance is a murderer; if I have a blind date, the target of the blind date is a gangster... "

As she spoke, her voice grew deeper and deeper, as if regretting her life with a deep pain, "I am so young and so beautiful, am I destined to be black for a lifetime? Doctor Zhang, do you know that some gods can help people change their luck? , Do you think I should ask a goddess to help me change?"

Dr. Zhang was silent for a while, and conscientiously said: "Jiajia, feudal superstition is wrong, and your current thoughts will hint to yourself at the subconscious level, and you will think that you are gangsters. If anything happens in the future, you They will all think of their own physique of gangsters, and eventually lose their correct and rational judgment."

Zhuang Jia said, "Dr. Zhang, I don't want to hypnotize myself to recruit gangsters, recruit wealth and peach blossoms, and recruit everything is fine, but the problem is that it doesn't work."

At this time, Dr. Zhang's mobile phone rang melodious music.

"Sorry, answer the call." Doctor Zhang said apologetically to Zhuang Jia and connected the phone.

"...Yes, she made an appointment with me at 7 o'clock last night...Yes, originally I didn't see the doctor at night, but her condition is quite special..."

Dr. Zhang patiently explained to the person on the other side of the phone, "I waited from 7 to 8:30, she didn't come, so I left... Yes, I didn't see her when I left... Monitor? No, In consideration of the privacy of our clients, our clinic does not install surveillance."

After talking on the phone, Dr. Zhang put his mobile phone aside and said to Zhuang Jia: "I recently checked some foreign cases similar to yours. I want to use a new treatment. Would you like to try it?"

Zhuang Jia's attention was completely turned to the call.

"Doctor Zhang, who called you? Why did you ask about surveillance?"

"It's Miss Ma's family, saying that she didn't go home last night and didn't see anyone for a whole day. They thought Miss Ma came to me."

"Oh..." Zhuang Jia murmured, "I have met her several times before. It seems that there is some social disorder? I hope she is fine..."

Doctor Zhang put away the pen and paper, got up and said, "Jiajia, let's try the new treatment today."

After speaking, went to the consultation room.

There is the room where Dr. Zhang rests, and some sundries are also stored at ordinary times.

Zhuang Jia lay quietly on the sofa and waited.

After waiting for a long time, Dr. Zhang did not come back.

Zhuang Jiabai was bored. He looked east and west, and inadvertently saw a lady's bag hanging on the vertical hanger, beige and buckle style. He looked familiar...


When I met Miss Ma last time, the bag she carried seemed to be beige?

But Doctor Zhang said that Miss Ma had never been here.

Then her bag... why is it here?

Zhuang Jia whispered in her heart.

At this time, a strange smell floated to the tip of her nose, and Zhuang Jia turned her head and saw Dr. Zhang walking over with a large pot of hot broth.

Zhuang Jia was surprised: "Doctor Zhang, when did you move the kitchen to the office?"

Dr. Zhang put the pot full of meat on the table and stirred it with a long-handled soup spoon. The smell was more intense, not what kind of smell it was. It was mixed with meat, a little sour, and a little fishy... …

Zhuang Jia felt hairy and rubbed the goose bumps on her arms silently.

Dr. Zhang smiled and said: "There have always been food treatments for mental disorders abroad. Of course, my clinic must keep up with the times. Come here and have a taste."

He said, handing her a pair of chopsticks.

Zhuang Jia's face was slightly pale, looking at the pot of broth in front of him, she glanced at the lady's bag on the hanger.

"Zhang... Doctor Zhang, what kind of meat is your stew?"

Doctor Zhang's smile is still gentle, "You have a taste and guess again?"

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