"I...I recently lost weight and cannot consume high-calorie foods."

Zhuang Jia didn't pick up the chopsticks, smiling stiffly, "Doctor Zhang, you can eat by yourself..."

"I'm not asking you to finish it all, I want to see how severe your symptoms are." Doctor Zhang held the chopsticks and handed it to her again. "Don't you even dare to touch the food here? Worried that I will go Put medicine in the soup?"

Zhuang Jia shook her head, her eyes afraid to look into the soup.

Doctor Zhang said, "Well, let me take two bites first, and you can see that there is no poison in the soup, how about it?"

"No, I really have no appetite..." Zhuang Jia's face was ugly.

However, Doctor Zhang didn't seem to have heard it. He copied a piece of meat with bones into the pot, bit it down, chewed a few times, covered his mouth with a tissue, spit out the bone gently, and threw it into the wastebasket.

"It tastes very good, don't you really taste it?" Doctor Zhang said, and took another piece of meat into his mouth.

Zhuang Jia looked at the oiliness on his lips, only to feel that his stomach twitched slightly, and he wanted to vomit...

About her face is too ugly, Dr. Zhang once again encouraged her: "Try it, break through your own psychological barrier, it will be good for you."

He forcibly stuffed the chopsticks into Zhuang Jia's hand, and he took another long-handled soup spoon and stirred it in the pot.

"If you can't eat meat, try the soup."

Doctor Zhang scooped up a spoonful of broth.

A pink ball rolled in the metal spoon for two weeks, with fascia and membrane, it was an eyeball!

"Ah ah ah ah!!! -" Zhuang Jia screamed in surprise.

Tears gush out almost instantly!

The hairs all over her body were erected, and she rushed out the door like a mad, as if there was a devil chasing behind her!

I rushed to the elevator entrance and pressed the row button desperately! But the elevator door never opens!

Big tears fell in panic and fear.

Doctor Zhang walked out the door and approached her, "Jiajia, you misunderstood..."

"Don't come over! Don't come over!!!"

Zhuang Jia was about to collapse, she didn't have time to wait for the elevator, turned around and wanted to escape to the emergency passage!

Just then, the elevator doors finally opened.

The man inside saw Zhuang Jia and was taken aback for a while, and immediately reached out and grabbed her arm, "What happened?"

Zhuang Jia turned to see Yu Yang's face, crying in a mess!

"He wants to kill me!" She cried and threw herself into Yang's arms, hugged the man tightly, and refused to let go.

Yu Yang was thrown back by her for a while, in a trance.

I vaguely remember that a few years ago, she rushed into her arms like this, but he didn't feel much at that time, but now his heart is beating suddenly.

Doctor Zhang ran up, panting, still pinching the greasy eyeball in his hand, "What a misunderstanding, Jiajia, I am treating you."

Zhuang Jia couldn't hear this voice, and she went straight into Yang Huai in horror, "Quickly lock him up! He is a murderer! He is a murderer!!"

Yu Yang frowned and looked at Doctor Zhang suspiciously.

Doctor Zhang showed that eyeball to Yu Yang, "It's really a misunderstanding. Look, this is made of plastic. Jiajia's disease hasn't gotten better for a long time, so I want to try whether the stress therapy works. ."

After he finished speaking, he squeezed the eyeball a little harder, indicating that it was made of elastic plastic.

Yu Yang looked at the male doctor in front of him and patted Zhuang Jia's back lightly for a long time, "It's okay, those eyeballs are fake."

With Yu Yangzai, Zhuang Jia was slightly bolder, poking his head out of the man's arms, tears all over his face.

She looked suspiciously at Doctor Zhang and the eyeballs in his hand.

Doctor Zhang squeezed the thing again.

It is indeed a plastic ball.

"I really didn't lie to you, I did it for the therapeutic effect..."

Zhuang Jia stared blankly, thinking that she was so frightened that she almost lost her soul, shame and anger rushed straight into her forehead!

She cursed in grief and indignation: "Are you **** sick?!!!"

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