Jiang Zhinuan asked Zhuang Jia: "Do you think Yu Yang is a fool?"

"Of course not!" Zhuang Jia supported her boyfriend.

"Then what else do you have to worry about?" Jiang Zhinuan smiled, "You, let's get back a little bit."

Zhuang Jia fell silent.

She understood what Jiang Zhinuan meant. Yu Yang's achievements today cannot be achieved without keen observation. If his assistant has any malicious intent towards Zhuang Jia, it is impossible for Yu Yang to fail to detect it.

The reason Jiang Zhinuan made Zhuang Jia restrain is probably because of her mental illness...

Persecuted delusions always subconsciously make things serious and exaggerated.

In fact, as far as this matter is concerned, it is nothing more than a prank by someone throwing a cockroach into the lunch box, without causing any substantial harm to anyone.

Compared to Zhuang Jia's previous infighting in the model circle, it is really not worth mentioning.

Sometimes it is unreasonable for young models to fight with each other. They cut catwalk clothes, hide nails in high-heeled shoes, and mix them with disinfectant in their lotion. Some people go to Thailand to ask little ghosts, which is said to make their competitors unlucky.

And what she encountered now was just a dead cockroach...

The dead insects will neither harm her body nor affect her feelings.

Zhuang Jia put the matter aside for now, and decided to wait and see.


When Christmas is approaching, the streets are filled with a festive atmosphere, but there is no Christmas on the legal holidays of the judiciary.

Zhuang Jia feels that if she wants to spend Christmas with Yu Yang, it is about to fall apart.

He got busier and busier. At the end of the year, various reports and audit work were delivered one after another. In addition, there was an endless stream of cases waiting to be processed. He worked overtime until nine o'clock almost every day, sometimes on Saturdays and Sundays. Run in the yard.

The appointment schedule was severely affected.

On Friday, the two planned to watch a movie, which meant that Yang finally got off work, and Zhuang Jia followed him to the parking lot to pick up the car.

After getting into the car, Yu Yang did not start the car immediately.

He squeezed his eyebrows, his eyes were deeply tired.

Zhuang Jia observed his look and felt that Yu Yang was really working hard, and couldn't bear to let him drive back and forth, tentatively and whispered: "Otherwise...Stop going to the movies?"

Yu Yang raised his eyes and glanced at her, his smile was shallow and gentle, "Originally, I could only accompany you once or twice a week. What if you save these two times and you are chased by others?"

Zhuang Jia pursed her lips, and whispered: "I won't be chased away..."

Yu Yang smiled, adjusted the seat, opened his arm and said to Zhuang Jia, "Come here."

Zhuang Jia blushed and leaned over.

Yu Yang hugged her lightly, pressed her lips to her forehead, and said, "Lean with me for a while. When I take a break, I will take you to the movie."

Zhuang Jia leaned in his arms and did not move.

After a while, she noticed that Yu Yang was holding her arm, slightly loosened, breathing smoothly, as if he was asleep.

Zhuang Jia still didn't move.

To be honest, maintaining this posture in the car was uncomfortable for a long time, but Zhuang Jia didn't want to wake him up, so she remained motionless.

With this sleep, Yu Yang slept for almost twenty minutes, which was equivalent to a nap.

After he woke up, Zhuang Jia discussed with him: "In fact, you don't have to go to the cinema to watch movies. There are a lot of people over there, and parking spaces are hard to find. It will take a long time to go back and forth. Why don't we go back and watch it? Simultaneous release, and you can watch it online."

Yu Yang also felt that he was wasting time on the circuit.

He started the car and drove away, Zhuang Jia couldn't help but was stunned. She meant to go back to his office. As long as it is a place with a computer and Internet, plus two comfortable chairs, it is fully equipped for watching movies.

But Yu Yang seemed to have misunderstood, and drove Zhuang Jia back to his home.

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