Yu Yang has an apartment in the city.

It is about 15 minutes by car from the procuratorate. The transportation is convenient. The green environment in the community is very good. Most of the residents are middle-class with high income.

He lives on the 11th floor.

When pressing the elevator button on the 11th floor, Yu Yang jokingly said to Zhuang Jia: "When I bought a house, the 11th floor house was not easy to sell, and it was called a single floor."

"Then you still buy it?" Zhuang Jia smiled, "Are you not afraid of being single forever?"

"At that time, I didn't think there was anything wrong with being single." Yu Yang looked down at her and took her hand. "However, I haven't met you at that time."

Zhuang Jia pursed her lips, rubbed his forehead against his shoulder shyly, wanting to act like a baby inexplicably.

The apartment is a large three-bedroom apartment with an open layout, Nordic style decoration, simple and rational, and full of coolness.

In a typical residence for single men, Zhuang Jia is very sure that apart from the developer and the intermediary, he should be the second person to set foot here, because Yu Yang's house does not even have a pair of spare slippers.

The floor sweeping robot cleans the floor every day, but it won’t be too dirty. It’s just in winter, the wooden floor is cold and it’s always inconvenient to walk directly on it.

Zhuang Jia took Yu Yang's arm and said, "The convenience store downstairs should sell slippers. Let's go down and buy a pair."

Yu Yang thought for a while, first changed his slippers, and then asked Zhuang Jia to take off his boots.

Zhuang Jiayi took off his shoes.

He picked her up, moved his long legs away, and walked all the way to the sofa in the living room before putting her down.

"You don't need to wear slippers. Wherever you want to go, I will hold you over." Yu Yang said.

Zhuang Jia gave a soft "um", bent her legs and sat on the sofa with a blushing face, obediently like a docile little sheep.

After that, Yu Yang turned on the TV in the living room and took out the milk and drinks from the refrigerator, while Zhuang Jia took the remote control to study the payment process of the synchronized theater.

He didn't have the habit of storing snacks and couldn't let her relieve her greed when watching movies, but turned off the headlights in the living room and stayed quietly beside him in the dark and warm room. Zhuang Jia felt that there was nothing better than now.

Halfway through the movie, Yu Yang fell asleep.

Zhuang Jia heard his assistant mention that in the previous case of birds of prey attacking passers-by, new victims appeared.

——Yu Yang was woken up by the phone at 1 o'clock in the night and drove a few hours to the scene of the murder. After learning about the situation, he rushed back to a meeting without stopping to study the direction of the investigation. Therefore, he hardly rested in these two days.

She picked up the remote control and pressed the shutdown button.

The picture went dark until it was completely dark, and Yu Yang still showed no sign of waking up.

Zhuang Jia knew he was asleep.

She got up lightly, walked into the bedroom with the light of the wall lamp in the hallway, took a thin quilt out of it, and put it gently on Yang before leaving.

Walking to the hallway to put on shoes, the movement stopped.

I am embarrassed to say...

But she felt that the sound of opening and closing doors would definitely wake him up, and if he woke up, he would definitely not allow her, a beautiful young girl, to take a taxi back most of the night alone.

How dangerous.

But he is so tired, why is she willing to work hard for him to send her home?

With such a delicate mentality, Zhuang Jia stayed...

It's actually a bit troublesome to stay.

Because she came here on a temporary basis, she didn't prepare any washing utensils, nor did she bring a change of clothes. Even if she took a bath this morning and smelled all over her body, she would have to change clothes to sleep.

As for the clothes on her, the fabrics are expensive, if she sleeps with folds, she will hate herself to death.

Zhuang Jia turned over in Yang's dressing room, and finally picked one out of the neatly regulated rows of shirts...

Putting on the shirt, she looked at the incredibly **** and enchanting woman in the mirror, and thought: I really didn't mean to seduce, there really is no other choice.

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