Zhuang Jia was stunned and turned to look at her: "Again?...he often beats Tang Linhao?"

"I thought you knew." Hu Fangfang was disappointed. She probably thought she could learn anything from Zhuang Jia, but she didn't expect that Zhuang Jia knew nothing.

"This... isn't that good?" Zhuang Jia asked in surprise, "beating people..."

Hu Fangfang shook his head: "They seem to have known each other before. I don't know the specifics. Anyway, I saw them coming out of the men's bathroom. Tang Linhao had injuries on his face and was obviously beaten... But it was strange. They both pretend that nothing happened."

After Zhuang Jia listened, she felt even more confused.

The longer I get along with Yu Yang, the more I realize there are many mysteries in him.

Mystery can bring attraction and distance, especially when in love, it can make people feel uneasy.

That's how Zhuang Jia feels right now.

She was really worried that this relationship would end up without a problem like the previous few times.


After returning to the dormitory, Zhuang Jia stayed alone, with nothing to do.

In fact, she can play on her mobile phone and scan Weibo, but she is depressed and can't lift the energy.

For a while, I thought of the shredded documents, of Yu Yang's anomaly, and for a while, I wondered if it would be dangerous for Yu Yang to go to that deep mountain and old forest.

Looking down at the towels and piles of quilts on the bed, Zhuang Jia sighed slightly.

This Walnut Town really made her feel bad, so I really want to leave soon...

Zhuang Jia picked up her wallet and decided to buy a new bed sheet on the street, preferably some snacks and instant noodles. She would rather eat instant noodles than face Song Jingru's face in the cafeteria.

When passing by the dormitory of Hu Fangfang and Song Jingru, the door was open. Hu Fangfang saw her and said, "Are you going to go out? I'll go with you. You are not familiar with this neighborhood, don't get lost."

"I go to the supermarket and won't go too far." Zhuang Jia explained.

"I told you before the prosecutor left. Let me take care of you. Let's go together." Hu Fangfang stood up and put on his coat neatly. "I'll also buy some drinks by the way. Hey, Song Jingru, are you going? ?"

"No." Song Jingru sat on the bed and knocked on the computer without raising her head.

Zhuang Jia maliciously speculated that she was busy writing a review.

"Aren't you buying sanitary pads?" Hu Fangfang said, "I don't have much of mine. Don't ask me to borrow them."

Song Jingru's face was slightly stiff, and she was deeply displeased with Hu Fangfang's unobtrusive way of speaking.

Zhuang Jia thought she would not go, but Song Jingru reluctantly got out of bed and put on shoes, as if she was going to go out.

Xu is Hu Fangfang as a senior, a little majestic in front of Song Jingru.

The three women went to the largest supermarket in town together and purchased what they needed.

During this period, Zhuang Jia and Hu Fangfang would occasionally talk, while Song Jingru was like a sullen peacock all the way, without saying a word proudly.

Coming out of the supermarket, they carried large and small shopping bags and waited for the green light at the crossroads.

There are not many vehicles in the villages and towns, but the traffic is chaotic. Electric three-wheelers and motorcycles are running rampant in the traffic. Pedestrians seem to be used to them. Before the indicator light turns green, they hurried forward.

Zhuang Jia felt unsafe and wanted to wait and see, but the people behind him walked forward and staggered two steps forward with her body.

Will stop, suddenly a strong force behind himself! Hit her straight into the middle of the road!


There was a piercing brake, and the driver's angry roar followed: "You are looking for death?! Isn't it long eyes to cross the road?!!!"

Zhuang Jia was so scared that her heartbeat was almost gone.

She slumped on the ground in a daze, and it took a long time to return to her senses. Looking around, she didn't know where to put her eyes, but saw the things in her shopping bag scattered all over the place.

In panic, I heard Hu Fangfang's scolding voice: "Song Jingru! Why did you push people?!"

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