"I didn't!" Song Jingru's expression was terrified. "It was someone else who pushed me, so I hit her!"

The surrounding environment is noisy and chaotic, and pedestrians come and go. Where can I find out who pushed Song Jingru?

"I really didn't mean it!" She defended herself loudly again.

Passers-by in the vicinity looked sideways, looked up, or discussed.

Hu Fangfang didn't believe Song Jingru's words, and coldly threw out a sentence: "Have you done it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he walked quickly to Zhuang Jia, helped her up, and then bent over to help her pick up the things scattered on the ground.

"Are you all right?" Hu Fangfang asked Zhuang Jia.

Zhuang Jia shook her head and opened her palm, revealing frayed scars. Dressed thickly in winter, the fall didn't hurt her just now, but her palms broke.

...But what if you get hit by a car?

She stared at the scar on her hand in a daze, and remembered the electric tricycle just now.

It should be impossible for this kind of car to hit her to death directly, but it is still easy to hit her head and bloodshed.

So... is Song Jingru's temporary revenge?

Or is it as she said, just an accident?

Zhuang Jia's mood was so bad that she didn't even have the idea of ​​accountability, and followed Hu Fangfang back to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, Zhuang Jia went to the bathroom to wash the scars with cold water and dealt with it briefly.

Hu Fangfang took the potion and reminded her: "You have to be careful of Song Jingru, stay away from her. Her human heart is smaller than the eye of a needle, and her temperament is very big. You do not consider the consequences, just like a small child. Very naive."


Yu Yang also commented on Song Jingru.

Zhuang Jia silently took the potion in Hu Fangfang's hand.

Hu Fangfang said: "I thought she was unusual for prosecutors. Last time, prosecutor Yu said that she had an appointment after get off work. There was a problem with the documents in her hand and the paper shredder was all shredded! You said Why is it so coincidental? Normally, the documents are well organized, but because the prosecutor is going to go on a date, she made such a big mistake. I think she is obviously delaying the time and doesn't want Yu Jianshi to go on a date!"

Hu Fangfang became more and more angry, and filled with righteous indignation: "This time she must be deliberate too! It means that the prosecutor comes back, and I must talk about it!"

Zhuang Jia pursed her lips and said nothing.

Hu Fangfang asked her to rest more when she was tired, and then left the room.

Zhuang Jia did feel tired.

Since coming to this town, almost all of the things that have happened are related to her. If it weren't for someone to deliberately target it, then she really could only use the words "unlucky" to describe her fortune.

Lie down on the bed and close my eyes to rest. Not long after, there was a fierce door cladding.

She sat up and was about to open the door. At this moment, she heard Song Jingru cursing outside: "Why are you so shameless?! You broke your credentials, refused to leave here, and acted pretentiously! I didn't push you at all! Don't even think about it. Splash dirty water on my head! I tell you, I am not afraid that you will be sued by the prosecutor! Sooner or later he will see how vicious you are!..."

Song Jingru's cursing was full of crying, both aggrieved and sad.

Zhuang Jia listened silently for a while, then lay back on the bed and pulled the quilt over her head. She didn't want to hear anything.

There is only one thought left in my heart, and that is regret.

I really shouldn't be here...

If she doesn't come, so many things won't happen...

If she didn't come, she wouldn't know so much...

Li Rui invited her to Walnut Town, is it really just temporary enthusiasm?

Is Song Jingru's jealousy towards her so big that he will kill him?

Hu Fangfang told her these words, is it provocative or just watching the excitement?

Does Tang Linhao's beating have something to do with her?

Suddenly, Zhuang Jia only felt that the whole world was full of malice. No matter who it was, she couldn't help but suspect that the other party was unpredictable.

She couldn't believe it, she curled up in the quilt and closed her eyes, only wanting Yu Yang to come back quickly.

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