"Next..." Zhuang Jia murmured, her eyes became empty and her voice was low, "Next, I will probably go to see the doctor..."


There is no appointment this time.

When I arrived at the clinic, the psychologist happened to have time to receive Zhuang Jia.

It's been a long time since Zhuang Jia came over, and Doctor Zhang was a little surprised.

"How are you doing recently?"

"I don't know if it's good." Zhuang Jia said slowly, lying on the couch in the consulting room, "If it is all about suspicious, wild thinking, and self-pity, it seems that these problems have always been there, but the fear and rejection of men It’s not as strong as before."

"Oh?" Doctor Zhang asked, "What do you think helped you overcome your psychological barrier?"

Zhuang Jia thought for a while and replied: "It should be in love. I found that everyone is actually ambition in the process of interacting with others. Some are well-intentioned ambitions, wanting to please you, wanting to be with you Close relationship; some are malicious ambitions, want to see you embarrassed, want to make you worse.

Aspiration is a normal thing in interpersonal relationships. I don't need to be afraid. As long as I keep a safe distance, they can't hurt me. "

Doctor Zhang paused with the pen in his hand and looked at Zhuang Jia, "So, the conclusion you came to is that you can protect your safety by staying away from them?"

"No, what you said is more like escape." Zhuang Jia shook her head lightly, "I think, in fact, I also have ambitions, and I also have what I want. When a relationship can't give me what I want, the relationship is It will be hurt..."

There was faint noise and noise outside the door.

Doctor Zhang expressed apology and interrupted Zhuang Jia: "I'm sorry, I'm not with you."

He opened the door and walked out. Zhuang Jia ignored it, and went on to say to herself: "My first love was when I was 15 years old. Others said that my first love was unforgettable, but I don’t have much impression anymore. I only remember when he transferred. I cried for a while, and then slowly forgot...

For the second time in love, I liked the seniors and took them home to play at the birthday party. As a result, after seeing my mom, his eyes would not turn right away. Then he broke up with me and said that he liked my mom's charm more Superwoman, I really saw a ghost..."

The noise outside the door became louder, mixed with the roar of men and the crying of women—

"It's this guy, right?!...You can be really good, what are you talking about when you go to a psychiatrist, and you see the bed?! How long have you two been together?!...Say!!!"

Zhuang Jia didn’t hear of it, and continued to mutter to herself: “There is a third time... the third time, someone finally liked me. He said that the frown when I drew the design was cute, but it turned out to be a lie. Human.

Compared with the friends around me, besides dressing up nicely, I am really mediocre. Zizi is not only smart, but also independent and self-reliant, so she can easily solve any problem in front of her. Zhi Nuan is versatile and looks dull, but in fact, his mind is more correct than anyone else. I'm... not smart, unstable, and lazy. The most frequently heard evaluation is lively and cute. The word lively and cute is actually equivalent to ordinary and lacking features, right?

Oh, I have a talent for design... but with my mother for comparison, this talent has become a matter of course, not worth mentioning.

Doctor Zhang, I really hope that someone likes me, even if I'm so ordinary and so bad, I also hope that person can like me wholeheartedly, and only put me on the cusp of my heart, the only one, the only one, not others. Alternatives to the emptiness, or the filling of emotional emptiness. "

No one responded to her.

The noise outside the door continued.

Zhuang Jia got up and walked out, and saw Doctor Zhang and Miss Ma shrinking in the corner, a strange man violently beating and smashing.

Regardless of whether Dr. Zhang could hear or not, she stood there calmly and said: "I came to talk about this today, mainly to tell you that my illness is about to be cured, and I won't come again."

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