During the New Year’s Day holiday, it was originally planned to go to Yu Yang’s hometown, Huxian County, because he was sent to study abroad, so the plan could only be abandoned.

This kind of learning is somewhat similar to exchanging work experience, learning other people's investigative techniques, understanding new criminal methods, and also involves some high-tech methods of investigating and solving cases.

In my spare time, I have meetings, eat and drink, and walk around the local area.

Generally speaking, it is relatively easy, so it is also regarded as a kind of public travel.

They were separated from each other by telephone, and Yu Yang asked Zhuang Jia if he wanted to go with him. Zhuang Jia declined to say that he was busy with work recently.

So many things happened when she went to Walnut Town, where would she dare to experience it again?

After several calls, Yu Yang vaguely noticed something was wrong with Zhuang Jia and asked her what's wrong.

Zhuang Jia looked at the photo in her hand and gave a soft "um", "I have something to tell you. I will tell you when you come back."

She wanted to ask him in person.

Don't go through the phone, don't miss each other, she needs to look into his eyes, hear the answer from his mouth and her ears.

About women are like this, even if they already have the answer in their heart, they are still unwilling to give him a chance to explain, any explanation that can convince themselves.

Yu Yang spent a month studying in the field, and Zhuang Jia's heart also tossed for a month.

Counting the days to the end of the month, the sky was cold and the air was bitterly cold.

Zhuang Jia settled down in the restaurant, ordered a table of sumptuous dishes, and sat at the table calmly waiting for him to return.

With the photo in her hand, she had imagined many questions in her mind. Most of them were naive, but they were also crucial.

For example: Do you love me? Am I important to you? Am I the only one for you? ...Do you still think of her?

The feelings are narrow, too narrow to tolerate a third person, even if it's just a remnant of the past.


A little bit of time passed, but Yang was still missing.

Zhuang Jia just picked up the mobile phone, and Yu Yang's call happened to call. After she connected, she asked, "Where are you? Is there a traffic jam on the road?"

"Jiajia, something happened to me temporarily, I'm afraid I can't go back today..."

The voice on the other end of the phone is noisy, mixed with the sound of the crowd and the prompts of the airport announcement.

Zhuang Jia had a bad premonition and suddenly jumped. She blurted out and asked, "Why are you going to the airport again? Didn't you just call that you are on the highway?"

"Something happened temporarily, I'm going to Jingzhou, so I turned around and returned to the airport."

"Jingzhou?..." Zhuang Jia was startled.

"Jiajia, I'm sorry." Yu Yang sighed softly on the phone, "I miss you very much. This time it is really urgent..."

The announcement tone came again.

Yu Yang said: "It's about to board the plane, I will hang up first, and I will look for you after I have dealt with this matter."

"Yu Yang!" Zhuang Jia suddenly raised her voice!

However, the phone has hung up.

"Yu Yang! Don't go! Yu Yang!!!" Zhuang Jia stood up and yelled his name gaffefully, all the people in the restaurant looked over.

Jingzhou, Tang Linhao and Tang Linshuang's home is in Jingzhou!

Within a month, she had already found out clearly that the girl was named Tang Linshuang! It is Tang Linhao's sister, who has been dead for more than ten years!

Is this the so-called can't compete with the dead?

Over the past ten years, still can't let it go? !

After waiting for a month, he finally hoped to get together, but he was going to Jingzhou!

She was not reconciled.

She is not reconciled!

Zhuang Jia texted him——

"let's break up!"

After the transmission was successful, she sat down again with her mobile phone in her arms, staring at the mobile phone screen for an instant, and she couldn't bear to blink her eyes.

If he has the heart, if he really cares about her, if he thinks she is more important than Tang Linshuang or Tang Linhao, then he will definitely come back!

She is holding her mobile phone and waiting for news.

Waited ten minutes...

Waited for an hour...

Two hours...


Not even a phone call.

The waiter in the restaurant reminded her that it was closed, and Zhuang Jia suddenly woke up, just feeling that everything was over.

It's all over.

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