When I woke up, the car had stopped.

Zhuang Jia opened his eyes and felt that the surrounding scenery was familiar. After trying hard to observe for a while, he found that this was a small road outside the courtyard of her house.

It was eleven thirty in the night, and Zhuang Jia was silent, and he actually slept on his way.

In the cold season, it’s really easy to get drowsy if you lie in a warm and enclosed environment after eating and add soothing music.

Seeing that she was awake, Yu Yang said: "Go in, rest early, don't lie on the bed and play on the phone all the time to hurt your eyes."

He was as gentle and considerate as ever, but his tone was indifferent and alienated. Zhuang Jia couldn't figure out his thoughts.

Getting out of the car in a daze, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Today...I haven't talked about anything yet, what about the breakup?

She looked back at him subconsciously.

Yu Yang seemed to know what she was asking, and said lightly: "I am tired today."

Also, driving such a long time in the car is very tiring, and he has always been used to going to bed on time at ten o'clock, now he must be very tired.

Zhuang Jia felt that his words were reasonable, and stopped saying anything, slowly swallowing the car and walking into the community.

After returning home, she couldn't help but walked to the window and looked at it, wanting to see if he had gone, but the viewing flowers and trees in the garden of the residential area were dimly lit and difficult to see clearly.

The mood is lost.

She doesn't have much concentration, her ears are soft, and she can easily be coaxed to be enthused, but obviously, Yu Yang didn't intend to coax her.

Yu Yang’s first impression is cold, and the word “cold” is usually associated with “arrogant”.

Because under the indifferent face, there is often a proud heart.

It is precisely because of arrogance that many things are dismissive, disdainful to say, and disdainful to do. Always calm and calm, while handling everything in an orderly manner, it will also give people a sense of indifference and alienation.

It is difficult for such a person to bow his head.

Zhuang Jia was a little lost, he was not the one who made him make an exception.

She also understands that this loss is a bit hypocritical, but isn't it true of women? Once you are in love, your hypocrisy will increase day by day. Obviously you can climb upstairs with a bottle of water, but you will be angry because your boyfriend doesn't help you unscrew the bottle cap.

Falling in love is about a process of getting sick.


The next day, at four or five o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Yang came to the company to find Zhuang Jia.

Yesterday, the talks were not completed, and the talks are continued today, which is very reasonable.

Why go so far on purpose?

——Because he hopes to stay with you for a while in the last time.

Why didn't you communicate well during the meal?

——Because the hot pot restaurant is very noisy, you almost have to shout to hear clearly.

Why didn't you continue to communicate on the way home?

——Because he said that when driving at night, distracted chatting can be dangerous. Well, it makes sense.

Since she can't chat, then she will go to sleep, because she is also sleepy.

Opened his eyes and arrived home again, Yu Yang said: "Hurry up and take a shower when you go home. The smell is quite heavy."

She smelled of hot pot all over her.

I lowered my head and smelled my hair in silence. The sweet floral scent of the shampoo was gone, only fresh-cut little sheep, garlic, sesame oil, chives, coriander, sesame oil and other compound scents lingered for a long time, lingering endlessly.

This is absolutely unbearable.

Zhuang Jia didn't even care to say goodbye, and quickly went home to take a bath.

Then, it was the third day.

On the afternoon of the third day, the assistant walked into her office, handed her the documents, and said with a smile: "Sister Shirley knows that you are going to have dinner with your boyfriend every day, so I put forward the regular meeting time by half an hour, so considerate! "

Zhuang Jia was stunned, and then sat alone in the office for a long time...

Yes, how is this way of eating different from before breaking up?

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