Love lowered her IQ, but it was not too low to become mentally retarded.

Zhuang Jia deeply felt the shame of being fooled.

What is ashamed is that she was actually fooled; what is annoyed is that Yu Yang has no sincerity in breaking up or reuniting.

This is the most annoying place.

When a woman thinks that a matter is very important and cannot be solved if it is not resolved, a man wants to make the big matter small and the small matter small.

She was so angry that she broke up! Yu Yang actually thought that just a few meals could paralyze her and fool her. It was so annoying!

She took out the small makeup mirror from her bag, looked at herself in the mirror carefully, and asked: "Do I look like a lie? Am I not IQ in his eyes?"

The answer will discourage popularity.

Zhuang Jia pressed the phone button on the desk and told the assistant: "Lisa, I don't see anyone today, do you understand?"


Every Friday afternoon, the company will have a regular meeting, where the heads of various departments report on the work content of this week and the problems encountered.

During the meeting, assistant Lisa knocked on the door and came in, standing at the door with an unnatural expression, "Ms. Janey, Mr. Yu is looking for you..."

Shen Xinru's company takes the route of foreign companies, and most of them call each other by their English names. Janey is Zhuang Jia's English name.

After Lisa finished speaking, everyone in the conference room looked at Zhuang Jia.

Zhuang Jia's face was very ugly, "Didn't I say that, I am very busy today, and no one is seen!"

Lisa whispered: "I told Mr. Yu, but Mr. Yu said...Please return the house key to him, otherwise he can't go home."

Zhuang Jia: "..."

The expressions of everyone suddenly became colorful.

Zhuang Jia took a deep breath, got up slowly, trying to make herself seem calm...

"The meeting will continue to be hosted by Shirley. Please send the weekly report to my mailbox after it is over."

With a few brief explanations, she went back to the office with a black face, and she saw Yu Yang sitting inside.

Zhuang Jia ignored him, bypassed the desk and sat down, rummaged in her bag for a while, took out a house key, and patted it on the table.

The loud noise made when the key collided with the desktop showed that she was also very angry at the moment.

Yu Yang didn't care too much. He took back his key and glanced at her, "Thank you, it's well kept. I thought you had thrown it away."

Zhuang Jia was choked.

The key was given to her by Yu Yang before. At that time, she always went to the procuratorate to wait for him to get off work. Yu Yang was afraid that she would be bored, so she asked her to wait at his house. He also said that the internet speed at home is fast and she can’t get stuck in watching cartoons...

Now being said by him, it seemed that she was paying special attention to his things.

"Always put it in the bag, I've forgotten it a long time ago." Zhuang Jia stubbornly proved that she was not in love with him.

Yu Yang looked lightly and asked, "Let's eat together after get off work."

"Don't go." Zhuang Jia refused. "The place to eat is too far away."

Yu Yang's expression did not change at all, and he calmly said: "Then go to a closer place."

Do you think I still believe you? Going to a messy restaurant isn't still impossible!

Zhuang Jia almost yelled inwardly, only tossed her lips, and said indifferently: "I don't eat hot pot, grilled meat, or strong flavors."

"Okay, you can." Yu Yang nodded.

He was so easy to talk, Zhuang Jia became inexplicably irritable.

She feels that Yu Yang now is like a round and smooth glass bead — it looks clear and thorough, but in fact it is full of all kinds of light refracting, blinding the illusion of vision, even if you want to find his shortcomings, catch him There is no crack on the handle, and no flaws can be found.

"I am very busy today, and I will be late after get off work." She said hard.

Yu Yang said: "It's okay, I can wait."

"If you like to wait, just wait..." Zhuang Jia dropped a sentence and left distraught.

She came out of the office, hid in the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror, a bit like a defeated soldier, her face covered with negativity and confusion.

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