In the next few hours, Zhuang Jia spent time with work.

After dealing with large and small matters, and then drawing the design draft, this kind of work can be done forever, because constant changes, constant repairs, smearing and changing colors are another new plan. Keep improving, you can never end.

His mind was not idle either, looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows from time to time, the sky was getting dark... Is he still waiting outside?

To be honest, Zhuang Jia really didn't want him to wish.

It may be a little unreasonable, but she is sad and sad here, and when she looks at him, she seems to be confident, she is angry, but not happy.

......Maybe this is to spread fire.

Well, she was throwing fire at him.


When it was eight o'clock, Zhuang Jia ate a bowl of instant noodles, trying to fill his stomach, and then confidently refused Yu Yang's invitation to dinner.

But what if someone gets impatient and has already left?

I clearly want to see him in my heart, why bother? Why does the relationship become like this?

She fell into a mood of self-loathing, hastily packed her things and got off work, and had a kind of smashing mentality: Whatever you want, do whatever you love...

After going downstairs, I saw Yu Yang's car parked on the side of the road from a distance.

In fact, his car, no matter the color or the car model, is of a steady and bold style, restrained and unassuming, but she can recognize it at a glance, which is simply unscientific.

Zhuang Jia stood on the side of the road, looking at the shadow of the car opposite, hesitating.

Do not want to pass.

It seemed that as long as she passed, and got in his car, he would be in control again, and the so-called breakup would become a joke and become her self-righteous worry.

When hesitated, a bright red sports car screamed and stopped in front of her.

The young boy inside shook his hand and said hello: "Hey! Janey, are you waiting for someone?"

This person is a contracted male model in her mother's company. He is young and loves to play. The family is very rich. It is pure fun to be a model, just for fun.

When he first joined the company, he had pursued Zhuang Jia, but he had no patience. After a few days of chasing after Zhuang Jia, he didn't waver, so he changed his target.

The relationship between Zhuang Jia and him is pretty good, but now it is a bit embarrassing.

She looked across her eyes and replied: "No...I'm not waiting for someone."

The boy was very enthusiastic and patted the seat beside him: "Go, get in the car! I will see you where I want to go."

Zhuang Jia got into the car in a daze.

The whole person is in a very strange psychological state, and there is a voice in his mind yelling: Don't sit in another man's car in front of him!

But her feet still stepped out, opened the door, and got into the bright red sports car that leaked out of air. She felt like she was hanging on a wire--

Very nervous, extremely alarmed, and...very exciting.

She is indeed looking for excitement.

As he bowed his head and fastened his seat belt, Zhuang Jia silently thought: He should have seen it? How does he feel now? How will he react? ...Will he be so disappointed in me that he turned his head away and never came to me again?

Thinking of this, I began to regret it again...

It's no Die, what should I do? She wants to get out of the car now.

There was a mess in my mind, and suddenly there was a bang! The whole car trembled, and even Zhuang Jia's **** bumped!

what happened?

She was dumbfounded, and the boy around her reacted faster than her, and immediately realized that her car had been hit by someone!

"Fuck!" He exploded, unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

Zhuang Jia quickly got off the car.

The rear of the sports car was stunned by Yu Yang's front.

After all, it's not a high-speed car on the road. It didn't crash very badly, only some scratches. This is so, but also makes the owner feel bad.

"My new paint!" The young boy was hot, "Can you or him drive?!!!"

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