Yu Yang got out of the car after a while.

Zhuang Jia stared at him blankly, unbelievable that Yu Yang would do such a thing.

Isn't he the most calm and self-contained? Didn’t he follow the rules the most? How could he hit someone else's car?

Without looking at Zhuang Jia, Yu Yang walked over, glanced calmly at the bottom of the sports car, then looked at the young male model, and said, "Sorry, it wasn't intentional."

This kind of apology is estimated to be personally unacceptable.

"Apologizing is a fart?!"

The boy model friend of Zhuang Jia was very tempered, patted the body heavily, and banged, "Do you know what model my car is? Do you know how much my car is? Ah?! Let you hit it? I stopped. Can you be hit by the side of the road?! Did you and he deliberately aim at me?! Ah!"

Zhuang Jia was very embarrassed and very guilty.

Of course she knew that there was an inevitable relationship between the sports car being hit and her getting into the car.

She wanted to explain to the other party that she actually knew Yu Yang and was willing to compensate for the repair costs.

However, before she could speak, Yu Yang took two steps closer, glanced at the sports car faintly, and asked, "Have you modified this car?"

The male model's expression froze for a while, and then immediately retorted: "What nonsense are you talking about! This is a new type of sports car. Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand it!"

"When you drove over, I already noticed that the sound of a sports car is very beautiful. If you want to make such a noise, you must go through exhaust modification."

Yu Yang glanced at the car expressionlessly, as if he was picking up on a tired toy, "Not only that, you also installed a tail wing and lights, I guess you also installed a turbo, although the power has increased, but However, there is a problem with the matching performance of the gearbox. This kind of car hasn't happened yet. Fortune telling you."

He commented, making the young male model embarrassed, and cursed with an ugly face: "Can you control it?! I want to play, just play, who do you think you are!"

Yu Yang smiled, it was a particularly contemptuous smile.

Zhuang Jia had never seen this expression on his face, because he was always polite and would not embarrass people easily.

"These modifications are illegal modifications and violate the "Road Safety Traffic Law". You can wait for the traffic police to deal with it. Of course, if you have money, it certainly doesn’t matter how much you fine, but it will be more troublesome to deduct the license and the car will also be The trailer of the traffic management office is towed away-now I leave, and I will spend some money for paint repair. When the traffic police arrives, you won't want to see what the car will become in the end." Yu Yang said lightly.

The male model's face was blue and white, although he was extremely angry, but in the end he felt sorry for his car, gritted his teeth and turned away!

Before leaving, remembering that I had been hit wrongly, I angrily threw down the sentence: "Insane!"

The sports car galloped away, and the engine sounded loudly. Zhuang Jia thought: Is this the so-called sports car sound?

She doesn't feel pretty, she just feels noisy.

Yu Yang took her hand and opened the car door to let her in.

It was probably because of some regrets that Zhuang Jia didn't confront him again this time, and obediently sat in the position of the co-pilot.

Yu Yang walked around the front of the car, got in the car too, started the car in silence, and drove onto the road.

Zhuang Jia glanced at him silently.

It's incredible to think that he ran into someone's car and ran away.

"Actually... I was just getting out of the car." She whispered, "You shouldn't bump into..."

"I didn't mean it." Yu Yang replied, watching the road ahead.

Zhuang Jia didn't believe it, and muttered awkwardly: "I didn't mean to be able to hit across the road..."

When Yu Yang heard it, he sighed slightly, held the steering wheel and parked the car on the side of the road, then looked at her helplessly: "It was really not intentional. I was driving over and wanted to take you. I saw you in that car. Car, forgot to apply the brakes."

He looked away and looked at the steering wheel with a low voice: "I can't do that kind of dizzy thing."

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