I drove on the road again, this time not too far away, and went to the Japanese food store that the two had visited before.

Close to home, quiet environment, meeting all requirements of Zhuang Jia.

The two sat facing each other, and no one spoke first.

What Zhuang Jia thought was, would it be offensive to mention his first love suddenly? Although she really minded that Yang had been thinking about other women in her heart, now she asked her to bring it up by herself.

What Yu Yang thought was how to make Zhuang Jia give up the idea of ​​breaking up? Last time, she said that she was too busy at work, too far in the life circle, and too old...These few reasons were really fatal, so he couldn't care less.

Fortunately, today's atmosphere is good, like two arrogant people put down their weapons at the same time, and entered the negotiation mode peacefully.

Yu Yang remembered a paragraph shared by his colleagues——

Question: What is the difference between an angry girlfriend and a terrorist?

Answer: Terrorists can negotiate.

So, does Zhuang Jia's meekness now mean that she is no longer so angry?


Yu Yang sighed silently in his heart.

He has never chased a woman, nor has he deliberately coaxed a woman, these recent events have made him feel powerless all the time.

Is it true that as she said, he is too old and the generation gap is too deep, so he can't figure out what these little girls think now?

The two of them ate silently, talked loosely, and never got on the right track.

Towards the end, Zhuang Jia's mother called an international long-distance call and asked if Zhuang Jia was in the company, and asked her to take a picture of the design and send it over.

Shen Xinru was in a hurry, and Zhuang Jia had to return to the company.

Yu Yang drove her back and asked, "Are there anyone else in the company?"

Zhuang Jia explained: "Someone should work overtime, but the design is locked in the safe in my mom's office, and only my mom and I can open it in the company."

If not, Zhuang Jiada can tell his assistant to run errands.

Sometimes the room leaks and it rains in the night. When we rushed downstairs to the company, the whole building was pitch black. Only emergency lights were on in the lobby on the first floor, and people were all messing around.

Zhuang Jia asked the security guard, only to know that the cable was faulty, and he was urgently repairing it.

There was an anxious urging in the crowd: "When can it be fixed?"

The manager’s reply was very official: "Our maintenance staff are doing their best to repair, and they will definitely restore the building’s power supply system as soon as possible..."

As for this as soon as possible, no one knows how fast it can be.

"What to do, my mother is in a hurry to ask for it." Zhuang Jia was anxious.

Yu Yang said, "Go up the stairs."

Zhuang Jia stared at him: "The company is on the 20th floor!"

"It's not too high. You can think of it as four five-story buildings. It takes about 3 minutes for ordinary people to climb five-story buildings, and 12 minutes for four five-story buildings. With a break, 20 minutes should be enough. "

As Yu Yang said, he glanced at the direction of the elevator, and then said: "Moreover, there are generally only two cases of cable failure. One is that it can be repaired quickly, and the other is that it will take at least several hours to repair."

After hearing his words, Zhuang Jia only felt hopeless.

She looked down at her high heels, closed her eyes, "Well, go up the stairs."


The two went to the stairwell. When they were about to go upstairs, Zhuang Jia held on to the wall and silently took off his shoes.

Yu Yang immediately understood what she meant, and raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, "You take off your shoes, there are only socks inside. The light here is very dark. If you step on broken glass or other hard objects, you will be easily injured."

Zhuang Jia said discouragedly: "That's no way. I can't let me go upstairs on stilts."

Yu Yang was silent for a while, took off his coat and put it on his arms, walked to Zhuang Jia and squatted down: "I will carry you up."

Zhuang Jia: "..."

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