Yu Yang's residence is also a square house with hot springs and plum blossoms.

Zhuang Jia walked into the courtyard and looked around, and Yu Yang asked her, "What are you looking at?"

"Where's your tree?" Zhuang Jia was curious. "Gui Gui said that everyone in your family has a tree. When you are in a bad mood, you will draw a few strokes."

"Over there." Yu Yang led her to a corner of the yard.

There was no one to clean the snow, and a thick layer accumulated. Yu Yang bent down and stretched out some snow to reveal a different texture underneath.

After swiping it a few more times, it showed that it was a short stump.

The stump is not big, it is a circle bigger than the mouth of the bowl. After being covered by snow, it looks like a dirt at first glance, and it is not a stump at all.

Zhuang Jia felt very distressed and knelt down to sweep away the remaining snow on the stump.

"Why did you cut down the tree?" She looked at the tree stump with regret, and whispered, "No wonder people in your family say you have a bad temper and are so cruel..."

Yu Yang laughed and squatted down beside her, "Do you believe what they said? When I was a child, I liked woodcarving very much. I only wanted to cut a few branches to practice my hands. Later, I found that the tree was dead and it didn't grow new buds. Cut it, it has nothing to do with temper."

Zhuang Jia glanced at him obliquely, and poked his finger on the stump, "Then how do you explain this? Here, here...and here, it's all scratches."

"This was rowed by the kid in my cousin's house. The one you saw was the Guigui just now." Yu Yang explained, "I'm not at home all the year round. He was reluctant to row his own tree, so he ran into my yard and took it. The stump throws fire, it's just a wooden stake anyway, no one will pay attention."

Zhuang Jia silently squatted in front of the stump, pursing his lips.

It seems to make sense...

Yu Yang patted the stump lightly, and the sound was solid and deep. He said: "The tree is planted at home for a good moral. How can you really cultivate yourself and become temperamental."

After a moment of silence, he looked at Zhuang Jia with a small smile in his eyes, "Like my tree?"

His voice was low and soft, like a lingering love story. Zhuang Jia felt that he was teasing himself again, turned his face away subconsciously, and replied in a dull voice: "I have never seen it before, what do I like."

"Plant another tree, okay?" Yu Yang smiled and looked at her. "Plant a tree you like this time. What kind of tree do you like?"

Zhuang Jia thought: Didn't this ask knowingly?

Yu Yang suddenly pulled her up, "Come here and show you something."

She followed him into the room ignorantly. There was a large bookshelf in the room, and Yu Yang walked over to look for books and pictures.

In addition to books, there are many other things on the bookshelf, such as wood-carved racing models, some trophies, certificates of honor, and photos of the racing cars.

Zhuang Jia picked up a wooden racing car and played it in her hand. It felt clumsy, but the four wheels could move, which was quite interesting.

"You used to play racing, didn't you think it was dangerous?" she asked.

Yu Yang turned over a few books, none of which seemed to be what he was looking for, put them back, and then searched the other side.

"At that time, I was more rebellious. I liked challenging difficult things. The car was very interesting. It had to be enthusiastic and calm. At critical moments, it was necessary to use clear thinking to make accurate judgments. The ability to react also needed to be highly sensitive..." Yu Yang paused and walked over with a picture album, "I found it, look at it, which kind of tree you like."

Zhuang Jia didn't look at the picture album he brought, and stared at his face with clear and bright eyes, in a leisurely tone: "You seem to... many things can't last long. Wood carving is like this, racing is like this, falling in love... Also like this……"

Yu Yang was silent, then put down the picture album after a moment, and wrapped her hands around her waist.

"Theoretically, something too simple can't keep people enthusiastic for a long time." He said.

Zhuang Jia narrowed her mouth, "Then should I be a little bit worried?"

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