"Why do you say that?" Yu Yang asked with a smile.

"You said it yourself, simple and easy things can't keep you enthusiastic..." Zhuang Jia curled her lips, a little bit lamented, "I think when you chase me, it's too easy, there is no challenge... Don't you chase me again, let's deepen the difficulty, okay?"

Yu Yang laughed, "Not good."

Zhuang Jia stared at him.

Yu Yang bowed his head and kissed her, and said with a smile: "I didn't finish just now. In theory, things that are too simple can not keep people enthusiastic for a long time, but things that are too difficult will make people give up early."

His hands faintly increased his strength, he squeezed her body unhurriedly, leaned over slightly, touched her lips with a smile, and softly coaxed: "You are just right like this, I like it very much... like……"

The voice crumpled between his lips and teeth, and he pressed her on the shelf and kissed her involuntarily.

I want to kiss her when I wake up in the morning, before going to bed at night, I want to kiss her when I walk, I want to kiss her when I sit alone, I want to kiss her when I see her, I still want to kiss her when I can’t see her.

Yu Yang never told Zhuang Jia that before deciding to chase her, he hesitated not only because of the disparity between the two, but also because he was uncertain about himself.

He is no longer the wayward teenager in his teens, and will not build a long and entangled relationship because of the subtle feeling of whim.

He repeatedly confirmed and thought about it, and then decided to give up, but was not reconciled.

A little throbbing, a little miss, a little liking, and a little sensibility. Of course, these subtle feelings are not enough to support the courage to spend a lifetime together. They are just the buds of love, jerky and hazy, and will disappear at any time.

But in case...

What if he never meets anyone who can give him such a throbbing?

So, no matter what, you must hold on to... can't let her go, can't let her go...

The intimacy seemed extra long this time, he was tireless, and she almost lost her strength, finally struggling lightly in his arms.

"What's the matter?" Yu Yang loosened her slightly, pressed against her skin, and bit her ear, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Zhuang Jia was so soft that he couldn't stand any longer, and said in a dumb voice, "It seems that someone is knocking on the door..."

Yu Yang stopped then, turned around and opened the door.

Zhuang Jia closed his eyes, leaned back against the bookshelf and panted, breathing still messy.

She thought to herself: It's not good... It's just a kiss. Why is it so weak that she has lost her life and even her soul is sucked away?

Maybe he is a monster in the mountain, right? The fairy tree demon, after returning to the old nest, reveals her original form, and wants to **** her dry at any time...

Zhuang Jia was amused by her own thoughts and snorted.

After laughing, recalling the kiss he had just now, the gentle strokes, the murmured love words... I couldn't help but blush again.

...This monster is really amazing.

Yu Yang returned to the room, took his coat and put it on, then put on Zhuang Jia's coat.

"I came to ask us to have breakfast, everyone is waiting for us."

"Then let's go quickly." Zhuang Jia was a little worried. "I was late for breakfast the first day. Have my impressions been lost? Do I have any hope of remedy?"

Yu Yang smiled, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and gently rubbed the slightly red and swollen lips with his thumb, his eyes dimmed, as if he still had some meaning for the intimacy just now.

Zhuang Jia looked at him ignorantly and thought, if he kisses her again, will she continue to cooperate, or will she try to restore the impression of relatives and friends?

Yu Yang smiled, let go, took her shoulders and walked out, and said lightly: "Don't think about it, little fool."


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