Yu’s breakfast is very rich, but not overly extravagant. The same is soy milk buns and rice cakes, but the preparation is much more delicate than the outside. The appearance is beautiful. It is served in exquisite porcelain tableware, full of tables, watching Especially appetite.

Zhuang Jia rarely has the opportunity to participate in this kind of big family-style dinner, feeling very fresh, while eating breakfast, while silently observing.

The atmosphere is also very comfortable, neither lifeless silence nor rushing noises.

Most of the topics we talked about are related to food. For example, there is a dish called "Feng Tongue" in the palace dishes. A dish of fried phoenix tongue requires at least more than one hundred phoenix tongues. The ingredients are rare and only the emperor can afford it. .

In modern times, the flower bird is on the verge of endangerment. Those who want to restore this dish use the tongue of a pigeon instead, and it must be a young pigeon, because the tongue will gradually grow fleshy thorns when the pigeon grows up.

As for how to make pigeon tongue further achieve the taste of Hehua sparrow tongue, the family expressed their opinions at the dinner table.

Zhuang Jia felt that it was incredible that Yu Yang had not become a cook in this family atmosphere.

No wonder his grandfather said that he was a boneless man.

Before breakfast was finished, some people came over to pay a New Year's greetings, including celebrity chefs from other places, local leaders, and foreigners.

Only then did Zhuang Jia know that Yu Yang's grandfather is the heir of the intangible cultural heritage, and Yu Yang's sister and brother are representatives of the Food Cultural Heritage Research Association... Well, in short, the whole family is very good.

It's the kind of... I feel that personal existence is very important to society, and it is very meaningful.

Yu Yang was afraid that she would be bored, so he asked in a low voice if she wanted to go out, but Zhuang Jia didn't want to leave at all. It was so enjoyable to hear them talk about the dishes!

After a while, two more people came to visit the New Year.

Zhuang Jia couldn't help but be stunned when she saw the person coming, because she actually knew him.

Tang Linhao saw Zhuang Jia and was stunned for a moment, but the surprise was fleeting. He didn't seem to say hello, silently following a gray-haired old woman, and did not look at Zhuang Jia again.

Zhuang Jia stared at the two men blankly.

She didn't return to her senses until she was gently pulled twice by Yu Yang and realized that it was rude to stare at others like this.

But she was so curious in her heart that she couldn't help but whispered to Yu Yang: "What's the matter? Why did he come?"

Yu Yang didn't answer, and took Zhuang Jia outside, as if deliberately avoiding Tang Linhao and the old woman.

He walked slightly faster, and Zhuang Jia was struggling to follow. When he walked on the veranda, he couldn't help but shake off Yu Yang's hand to stop and take a breath.

"You walked so fast, my feet hurt." She leaned on the pillar to pant.

Yu Yang helped her sit down next to her, "Let me see if it's blistering."

He squatted down to take off her shoes, Zhuang Jia's feet shrank inward, "My feet are okay, just tell me, why did Tang Linhao come? Who is that woman? Is it his grandmother or his grandmother? ?"

"No." Yu Yang was silent for a while and said, "That's his mother."

"His mother? He seems to be a little older..." Zhuang Jia was scornful, and she didn't feel embarrassed to say that the other party looked like an old woman in her sixties.

Yu Yang said: "In fact, he is not very old. He is just in his early fifties and looks old because he is tired."

"Then she came to your house to pay New Year's greetings..." Zhuang Jia pursed her lips, her voice lowered somehow, "If you don't want to say it, you can leave it alone... I'm just a little bit curious, no other meaning."

"Are you only a little curious?" Yu Yang smiled and looked at her lightly.

Zhuang Jia lowered her head and said honestly: "I'm very curious. I want to know why he cut my card..."

Yu Yang sighed lightly, rubbed her into his arms, and whispered: "Did you see his mother's white hair? It grew out one night, and the family business went bankrupt and owed a lot of money. It was my grandfather who did it for him. With the money returned by the family, his mother was arranged to be a waiter in the villa, so every year his mother would come to pay a New Year greeting."

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