When Zhuang Jia heard this, she was even more puzzled: "But how does your grandfather know them?"

Yu Yang was silent again.

Once he had no smile on his face, it was just like a poker face, which made people totally invisible and could not guess what he was thinking.

Zhuang Jia thought for a while, leaning silently on his shoulder, and muttered: "I don't want to say it, even though I'm really curious... But it's good to keep a sense of mystery in life."

I used to mind, why Tang Linhao wanted to target her, what was the relationship between Tang Linhao’s sister and Yu Yang, and why did Yu Yang go to Tang Linhao...

But if he has a knot in his heart, like long messy hair, it will hurt his scalp once he wants to comb it, then...just forget it.

Zhuang Jia felt that she could hold it back. Isn't it just a little curiosity? It's not a big deal.

Yu Yang looked down at her, with a faint smile on his face, "I didn't mean to tell you, but I was a little embarrassed, I don't know where to start."

"Embarrassed?" Zhuang Jia pursed her lips and looked up into his eyes. "It is related to Tang Linshuang?"

Yu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, "How did you know Tang Linshuang?"

"Hu Fangfang told me..."

Yu Yang laughed dumbly, "This Hu Fangfang, I have to show me before leaving, woman, it's really hard to guard against."

Zhuang Jia was inexplicably guilty, and always felt that the "woman" he was talking about seemed to refer to himself.

"In fact, she didn't say anything, she just showed me a photo, saying it was found in Tang Linhao's wallet, with you in it, and... Tang Linshuang..."

"Well, I was in the same school before." Yu Yang said Dandan, "That girl is very arrogant, other girls chasing me, she is somewhat shy, she ran directly in front of me and asked if I dared to be her boyfriend ."

Zhuang Jia asked: "How did you answer?"

Yu Yang glanced at her and replied: "I said, I was crazy, and then I left."

Zhuang Jia choked: "..."

Her eyes seemed to say: You must have been hated then?

"Later she chased the club and learned to race with me. Every time I saw me, she would scold me, saying that I was a coward and she didn't dare to be her boyfriend because she was afraid that she would really like her. She also said that I look like A wealthy bastard, in fact a poor ghost with nothing in his heart.

I didn't bother to care about her at the time. Once the practice ended, she stopped me and asked how I would be her boyfriend. "

Yu Yang smiled lightly, as if helpless, "I replied at that time, let's talk about it if I can catch up with me in the practice match."

Zhuang Jia asked curiously: "Did she catch up with you?"

"So underestimating your boyfriend?" Yu Yang squeezed her nose, "Is it a tie."

Zhuang Jia touched the pinched area, and whispered: "A tie is considered as catching up, and you didn't say that you must surpass you."

"Hey, you women can really take advantage of the loopholes." Yu Yang sighed with a smile.

Tang Linshuang also said the same at the time.

The sixteen-year-old girl, stubborn and domineering, blocked in front of him: "Hey! I am catching up with you. From now on, you are my boyfriend!"

How did he answer? Yu Yang slowly recalled, looking for the node of memory in that long past.

"Have I said to be your boyfriend?"

She was very angry, and her face flushed: "Yu Yang! How can you speak without counting?! You clearly agreed that as long as I catch up with you in the game, you will..."

"What happened to me? Did you remember it wrong? I just promised you that if the game can catch up with me, I will tell you how to be your boyfriend."

"Okay, then you say now!"

"I'm not interested in the things delivered for free. When you make me feel out of reach, maybe I will be interested."

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