Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

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I did not expect Zhuang Jia and Yu Yang's plot to be so long.

Some people may not have watched enough, some people may be looking forward to it, anyway, it is over.

It's easy!


Next, I want to say a more serious thing.

Regarding the next episode, Bai Wei and Mu Zichuan.

The purpose of this pair of character settings is to create contradictions and conflicts. I did not expect to cause psychological discomfort to many readers. I am sorry that I did not consider it properly.

For readers who cannot accept this pair of CPs, please refer to the ending of the previous article: Bai Wei has lost her memory and Mu Zichuan has gone away.

Readers who can accept it and want to know the cause and effect, please refer to the following text.

I have no intention of challenging the core values ​​of socialism, and I have no guts, so I made adjustments on the basis of the original settings, and tried my best to make the love between these two people meet the secular moral standards.

I can only say as much as I can, after all, I can't overturn all the previous ones.

I hope that when you read the novel, you will have more understanding and goodwill, and don't put the hat on it at every turn. I really can't afford it. There are so many characters and so many plots in a book, it is inevitable that there will be a little dirty, smelly, rotten, black, bad, and evil, but in the final analysis, it must be all to set off the truth, goodness and beauty.

This time, let’s not grow as long as Zhuang Jia and Yu Yang. I will try to finish writing in one week.

I have thought of the name, called "My Sweetheart Has Lost Memory Again". From campus to rich family, there are pets and abuses, and the ending is satisfactory.

After writing this, it is Gu Liang's side. This page will be a little longer because it is my favorite part. Mu Zi and Murong Cheng will also appear again to solve cases, fight lawsuits, and fall in love.

The current situation of this book is roughly like this. You can poke chapters according to your preferences.

PS. There will be no update on June 18th. I want to give myself a day off, rest, and adjust my thinking.

Happy holidays to each of you!

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