Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1364: My sweetheart has amnesia again

The fifteen-year-old boy is in an awkward stage.

Physiologically, they grow beards, their vocal cords change, they are impulsive to the opposite sex, and they have the ability to reproduce offspring, but psychologically, they are still regarded as children.

They are energetic, full of adventurous spirit, but also rebellious and extreme, easy to fall into stubborn confusion.


During the short break between classes, the boys crowded in groups in groups to share a magazine brought by a classmate. It is said that the cover is very exciting and the content is very exciting.

Mu Zichuan sneered at this.

Huang Mao and the big head squeezed inside, winking at him, with a look of excitement, as if to say: Come and see, it's so enjoyable!

He glanced indifferently, and after urinating, he lifted his pants and turned to leave.

A group of ignorant little furry kids, just picking a picture of a boba girl in a bikini, can make them so excited to set up a small tent. Didn’t they eat enough milk when they were young, so they became obsessed with plump bodies?

Mu Zichuan could not understand. He has his own aesthetics, which may be difficult to describe in words, but there is a vague outline in his mind.

If it looks like that...he would like it very much.

Suddenly, all the boys in the toilet swarmed out!

He was also taken a few steps forward by the crowd, and immediately cursed irritably: "Fuck!"

"Quick, quick! Hurry up!" Huang Mao saw him stop and pushed him forward anxiously, jumping like a teaching director suddenly.

He is not afraid of the teaching director. Not long ago, his father just donated more than 100,000 yuan to the school. The teaching director would not trouble him, not to mention that he did not participate in the activities of circulating pornographic publications.

Huang Mao pushed him a few times, fearing to miss something, leaving him alone, he climbed up the wall impatiently--

Next to the men's toilet is the school wall, not too high, with a few bricks under the wall, and a row of boys lying unevenly on the wall, looking in one direction.

"I'm coming!"

"Look! She is out!"

"Where?...Hey, take your hand away! You blocked me..."

"Ah, come here! She is here!"

They whispered to each other, with excitement written on their faces, Mu Zichuan could guess without looking, it must be looking at a woman.

The big head lay on the wall, twisting half of his body and beckoning to him: "Come on, Brother Chuan is coming, you won’t have to watch it if you don’t look, Qingjiang is the most beautiful!"

Hearing this, Mu Zichuan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Ruan family?"

"No, more beautiful than Ruan Li!"

In Qingjiang, the highest evaluation of a woman's appearance is: more beautiful than Ruan Li.

Mu Zichuan got a little interested, stepped on the brick, and climbed up with strength.

From a distance, I saw a woman wearing a cheongsam coming by, with a graceful figure and elegant temperament. She carried a plastic bucket in her hand and contained dark stuff like garbage.

I have to admire that people are so beautiful that they can even throw out the beauty of step by step lotus.

The woman walked to the place where the trash was piled up, dumped the contents of the bucket clean, and the faint smell of Chinese medicine diffused in the air.

When she turned to go back, the boys on the wall whistled, flirty and cheerful.

The woman looked back, greeted the golden sun, smiled, there was a flash of beauty, but it was only a short moment, she had turned her back, and left the street with an empty plastic bucket.

"It's interesting." Mu Zichuan asked the big head next to him, "Who is that woman?"

"Bai Suxin, she is from the Bai family." The big head looked at the direction the woman was leaving, "My husband is dead, so I went back to live with her family."

"Married, how old is it?"

"It seems to be thirty-seven or eighteen..."

Mu Zichuan almost fell from the wall and stared at the group of people, "Are you sick! You climb so high to see an aunt?!"

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