Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1367: A good time for spring

After looking for more than a hundred meters along the street, I still couldn't find that Qianqian figure.

Feeling boring, Mu Zichuan lazily tossed his schoolbag to his back, with one hand in his trouser pocket, and went home in a daze.

He had a dream that night. In the dream, he had been chasing a white figure, vague, hazy, and seemingly very close. He reached out and grabbed it, but it was so close that he could not reach.

It was four o'clock in the morning when I woke up, and the **** were cool and wet, with a sticky piece.

Mu Zichuan frowned, took off his underwear a few times, and threw it into the trash can.

After checking the time, I didn't bother to look for clean underwear in the closet, wiped two of them, and then lay back on the bed naked and continued to sleep.

When he first encountered this situation, he thought he was wetting the bed. I felt quite ashamed at the time. After all, bedwetting is not a glorious thing. Later, the servant who did the laundry told his father that he was very happy and said that he had grown up.

He seemed to have grown up overnight. After that day, his head sprinted fiercely, his throat and beard all appeared, and even his leg hair became darker than he was lonely.

Growing up...

What a good word.

Carrying the young ambitions and all dreams.

Just like a young eagle waiting for full wings, once it grows up, the reward will be the entire sky outside the nest. However, the young eagle didn't know that in the process of learning to fly, it was inevitable that there would be a few hits.

The classroom was quiet and silent, only the chuckle of chalk across the blackboard, and occasionally the page turning, rustling, floating in the ears, it also became a kind of hypnotic note.

Mu Zichuan looked out the window, the sun was warm and the vegetation was verdant, it was really a good time of spring.

Suitable for sleeping.

After two Chinese lessons, Mu Zichuan got up to leave.

Huang Mao put on his shoulders from behind, and the treasures usually zip down a third of his jacket, revealing a corner of the magazine cover in his arms.

"Brother, this issue of the new weekly." Huang Mao chuckled, "Let's go see it together?"

Mu Zichuan lifted his slender yellow hair arm, and then patted his face gently: "Let's relax, beware of affecting development."

After all, he turned and left slowly.

Huang Mao was stunned for a while, seeing Mu Zichuan walking away, and asked loudly: "Brother Chuan, where are you going?"

"Sleep." Mu Zichuan said without turning his head.


There is a river not far from the college. The riverbank is a long slope, covered with grass, lying on the grass slope, basking in the sun, blowing in the breeze, and sleeping.

It's a pity that I didn't bring my schoolbag, otherwise it could be used as a pillow cushion.

Mu Zichuan closed his eyes, lying in the fragrance of flowers and plants, thinking so.

I heard the girl's voice vaguely: "Little fan, don't run..."

Mu Zichuan had just found some sleepiness, and he was dazed. He was thinking about what this little fan was, and his face suddenly stabbed! It's like a prickly prickly ball rolling hard!

At the same time, something fluffy like an animal tail swept across the face!

"Fuck!" Mu Zichuan jumped up with pain.

He covered the hot wound with one hand, looking for the culprit angrily, only to find that the girl was standing in front of him last time.

A line of poem from the Chinese class suddenly appeared in my mind: The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but where was the person...?

"Ye... I'm sorry." The girl looked at him nervously, her beautiful eyes full of worry, "Are you okay? Can I see your wound?"

Mu Zichuan seemed to have been hit by Gu, unconsciously letting go of her hand, exposing the wound.

A long scratch runs from the forehead, through the brows, to the temples, and the deepest part is overflowing with bright red blood.

"I'm really sorry!" She apologized again, and took his hand anxiously and worriedly, "Sit down, I'll help you deal with it!"

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