Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1368: Are you responsible for not getting your wife?

Mu Zichuan no longer felt the pain.

All attention is on that hand, soft, small...

Hold it without a trace, touch it, and feel soft and greasy. He secretly wrote down this feeling.

The girl didn't notice, she let him sit down, opened her medicine cabinet, and concentrated on helping him deal with the wound.

Only then did Mu Zichuan realize that she was carrying a heavy wooden box.

The box contained gauze, scissors, disinfection potion, and some bottles and cans he didn't recognize. It looked very complete.

"Are you studying medicine?" he asked.

The girl shook her head, carefully wiped the blood on his face with cotton gauze, and replied softly: "My house is a medical clinic. I brought the box from home. I have never studied medicine."

"Oh, you haven't studied medicine, so you can handle it this way for me, what if I get serious?" Mu Zichuan thoughtfully said.

The girl smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I work as a nurse at Youren Hospital. Although I can't treat illnesses, I can handle simple injuries."

"Oh, you are a nurse, an angel in white." Mu Zichuan nodded, "No wonder you always wear white clothes. Last time I saw you, you also wore a white dress."

She was stunned, "When did you meet me?"

Mu Zichuan didn't answer, and continued: "Do you know that white clothes are particularly transparent? Especially in the sun, you can see clearly."

He lowered his eyes slightly, motioned with his eyes, "Look, your shoulder straps are light blue, right?"

Her white and pink cheeks immediately flushed, and she stood up with shame and angrily, "Why are you like this! I am kind to help you..."

"You helped me because your cat scratched me, so you have to make up for me." Mu Zichuan interrupted her and sat on the grass with a smirk, "Hey, be reasonable, I'm all Don’t blame you, why are you violent at me? can’t blame me when you see the shoulder straps. You are so close and your clothes are so transparent.

She opened her mouth, not knowing how to argue, stood flushed and glared at him.

Mu Zichuan pointed to his face, "Just get half of it? You are an angel in white, can you be a little caring? What if I am disfigured? Will you be responsible for not getting my wife in the future?"

She bit her lip, became angry for a while, and finally came over and continued to help Mu Zichuan treat the wound.

Disinfect, apply medicine, and apply a thin layer of gauze.

Still angry in her heart, she bowed her head to pack her medicine kit and muttered, "You, your mouth is too bad."

Mu Zichuan smiled and teased her again: "Sister Angel, how old are you this year?"

She looked up at him with a faint smile in her eyes, "Why should I tell you? You didn't tell me how old you are."

"I am eighteen!" Mu Zichuan replied decisively, his face not red and heartbeat.

The smile in her eyes became stronger, and the tone became longer: "Oh... so you are 18 years old, then you will call my sister in the future!"

"Impossible!" Mu Zichuan said, "You must be younger than me!"

"What do I lie to you," she said, "I just passed my twentieth birthday last month."

Mu Zichuan was upset in his heart, he had known that he should have been older!

The girl lifted the medicine box and left, looking at her soft and weak, she did not expect to have some strength, and she was not too tired to panic carrying a wooden box.

Mu Zichuan got up and patted the broken grass, and walked on his long legs to catch up.

"Where is Sister Angel going?"

"I'm going to find my cat."

"Sister Angel, let me find it for you."

She turned her head and glared at him, blushing, "You are so annoying, can you not keep calling sister Angel."

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