Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1369: I learned how to bark for you

Mu Zichuan smiled: "But I don't know your name, so it's impolite to call you."

"Hmph, you want to coax me to tell you my name, so I won't be fooled by you."

She no longer paid attention to Mu Zichuan, turned her head and walked forward, her dark hair raised slightly, rippling an arc in the air, like the tail of a fish when it leaped into the water, which was especially agile.

Mu Zichuan faintly smelled the scent on the hair, a very fresh smell, slightly sweet, like some kind of fruit.

He stood there, the corners of his mouth happily aroused, and smiled and called her: "Hey, sister Angel, let's make friends."

The girl ignored her and kept walking forward.

"Sister Angel?...Sister Beauty?...Baby? Sweetheart?..."

She finally stopped and turned around angrily, "If you call like this again, I'm really going to be angry!"

He looked at her innocently: "If you don't call it that way, how should you call it?"

"My name is Bai Wei, white Bai, Wei Cao's Wei." She said angrily, "Remember? Don't bark anymore."

Mu Zichuan smiled, followed cheeky, walked side by side with her, and asked, "Which Wei of Wei Cao's Wei is?"

"It's Qiangwei's Wei, you should always know Qiangwei?"

"Yes, it looks like a rose."

"It's not the same." Bai Wei wanted to explain clearly, and felt that it was meaningless to tell him this, and sighed helplessly, "Oh, forget it, just do whatever you want..."

She has to hurry to find the cat.

This place is not big or small. There is a river next to it. The cat will definitely not be able to cross the river. It may be hiding in some grass or tree now.

Bai Wei called the cat's name as she walked.

Mu Zichuan followed her unhurriedly, a few steps away, lazy virtue.

A section of the river embankment was about to be completed, but still did not see the shadow of the cat, Bai Wei became more and more anxious. If the cat ran away from the embankment, it would be almost impossible to find it back.

"Do you want me to find it for you?" Mu Zichuan asked her slowly behind.

Bai Wei had a bad impression of him, thinking that he must be teasing herself again, and asked suspiciously: "What can you do?"

"Simple." Mu Zichuan said with a smile, "Bring the two big wolfhounds in my house, and I'll take the cat back for you in a while, but it doesn't guarantee life or death."

Bai Wei: "..."

Inhale...exhale...inhale again...

She was so angry that deep breathing didn't work, she turned her head and left, refusing to see this person again.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Mu Zichuan tried to catch up with his smile, "Why are you a girl unreasonable, I kindly give you an idea, but you give me a face... If you don't accept my idea, you can Why refuse? Why turn away and leave? My temper is too big..."

Bai Wei resolutely ignored him and kept moving forward.

"Okay, can you count me wrong? Bai Wei? Bai Wei? ... Rose flower? Rose sister? Sweetheart?"

"I said my name is Bai Wei!" She stopped unbearably, "No barking!"

"Then I call you Bai Wei, and you ignore me."

Seeing that she was leaving again, Mu Zichuan hurriedly took her arm, "Don't go, listen, there is a cat meowing."

"You will make fun of people, and I don't believe you!" Bai Wei slammed away from him.

Mu Zichuan said: "I didn't lie to you, if you don't believe me, listen, there is really a cat barking."

Bai Wei frowned and looked around. The grove was lush, and she seemed to have heard a meow.

She was shocked, and quickly remembered the bad guy behind her, she couldn't help turning around vigilantly and staring at Mu Zichuan.

Mu Zichuan smiled and asked, "What do I do?"

"Did you learn to cat me just now?" Bai Wei asked him.

Mu Zichuan snorted, "Why are you so funny? I don't know how to call a cat, but I can barely learn how to barking a dog. Can't you listen?"

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