Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1372: It's pretty beautiful

It's rare to get back a round, and Bai Wei smiled, a little smug.

She gently touched the cat's head and said, "It's not just because of this. Our family is used to using Chinese medicine to name it. Xiaofen is a traditional Chinese medicine. The gluten is washed with wheat bran. The starch deposited is called Xiaofen. To invigorate the body and replenish qi, if you have toxic sores or scalded sores, use vinegar to make the powder into a paste, steam it, and apply it to the sore.

Mu Zichuan said, "That Baiwei is also a kind of Chinese medicine?"

"Of course."

"What can Bai Wei cure?"

"There is a note in "Making Medicines and Substances", to clear the deficiency of fire and remove blood heat.

Mu Zichuan smiled: "It happens to be my illness."

Bai Wei was taken aback and looked at him: "Are you sick?"

Mu Zichuan: "..."

How could this girl choke him to death with a single sentence?

Mu Zichuan coughed and changed the subject: "It's interesting to choose a name like this...Who else in your family uses the name of Chinese medicine?"

"A lot." Bai Wei enumerated to him earnestly, "For example, my father is called Bailingyou, Lingyou is gentian, my aunt's name is Bai Suxin, which is a small white flower that can be used to treat stomachache and hepatitis. on."

"Bai Suxin is your sister-in-law?" Mu Zichuan remembered that woman. Every evening, she would appear on the street behind the school on time to clear the medicine slag.

No way, the taste of Chinese medicine is always unpleasant, so take a few more steps and throw the medicine **** into a nearby garbage dump with no residents.

Bai Wei was surprised: "Do you know my little aunt?"

"I don't know, just because I heard others mentioned that she is beautiful." Mu Zichuan replied.

"Of course my little aunt is pretty!" Bai Wei and You Rongyan laughed happily.

It's just that the smile didn't last long, and it faded slowly.

She lowered her eyes and sighed softly, with a dazed tone: "My sister-in-law is going to marry soon. I will marry a long way away. It may be difficult for me to see her again..."

"What's so scary about far? Go see her when you want to see her." Mu Zichuan disapproved.

Bai Wei glared at him, "It's not as easy as you said, it takes several days to take a train."

Mu Zichuan smiled: "So it's because you are lazy."

Bai Wei ignored him and replied dullly: "You don't understand anything at all."

"I understand, if you are a young girl, it would be inconvenient to travel by yourself if no one is carrying it, right?" Mu Zichuan said slowly, "You can still call, believe it or not, every family will install it in the future. Telephone, and ah, Jingling City is already building an airport, and Qingjiang will definitely have an airport in the future, so you can fly wherever you want."

Bai Wei couldn't laugh or cry: "You think it's pretty beautiful."

"This is not called thinking beautifully, this is called forward-looking." Mu Zichuan smiled confidently, "The times are constantly evolving, and we must look at things with a developmental perspective."

Bai Wei felt that he was slick again, and smiled carelessly.

Holding the cat in silence for a while, remembering Mu Zichuan's words repeatedly, she was a little touched somehow, she nodded: "You are right, everything will get better and better."

The sun in the distance has slanted west, and the sunset glow of the sky is reflected in the river water, as if the river water has been dumped with thick and colorful paint, and it is endlessly colorful.

Bai Wei stood up holding the cat and said goodbye to Mu Zichuan, she should go back.

"I'm leaving now?" Mu Zichuan sat up with his arms supported and squinted at her. "I saved your cat, don't you plan to repay me?"

Bai Wei hesitated for a while, nodded, and said seriously: "Well, just say what you want. As long as I can help, I will definitely try my best to help you!"

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