Mu Zichuan didn't speak, but looked at her with a slight smile.

It's a frivolous smile, a joking smile, a cheerful smile, and an unkind smile.

Bai Wei was so nervous as he stared at her, her lips were pursed, her cheeks flushed unknowingly.

The smile on Mu Zichuan's face was deeper.

He stood up suddenly, Bai Weiser flinched, and took a half step back.

Fifteen-year-old Mu Zichuan, already 1.76 meters tall, stood in front of Bai Wei, half a head taller than her.

The condescending view makes it easier to appreciate the shyness of the girl.

"Why are you blushing?" Mu Zichuan stared at her with interest, "Don't you think...I'll make unreasonable demands? For example, let you kiss me?"

Bai Wei's face was blushing with shame: "What are you talking nonsense?! have a dirty mind!"

"My thoughts are dirty?" Mu Zichuan teased her, "Can you make a point of truth? It's obviously that you wanted to be crooked first. Who of us thinks dirty?"

"I didn't!" Bai Wei was anxious, picked up the cat and ran away shyly and angrily, like a jumping white rabbit, panicked.

Mu Zichuan didn't chase after him, standing still, smiling and admiring her leaving behind.

After laughing for a while, his expression gradually froze...

He suddenly clenched his fist and slammed it in the air! Remorsefully said: "Forgot to tell her what my name is!"

What a stupid mistake!

After tossing for an afternoon, I forgot to declare my home!


...However, it can be remedied.

He knew that she was a member of the Baijia Medical Center, and that she worked as a nurse in Youren Hospital, that was enough...

As long as you have the heart, you will always meet again.


The house of Mu is lined with trees, and Master Mu, who is over fifty years old, is playing chess with his housekeeper in the garden.

Master Mu is worth talking about.

When he was young, he was quite famous in the Qingjiang business district. He dared to do something and ventured. Unfortunately, his over-indulgent life buried hidden dangers. Cigarettes, alcohol, and women emptied his body. After middle age, his health has deteriorated, and now Master Mu can only be regarded as trying his best to support him.

He has two sons. The eldest son, Mu Rongxuan, was born to his ex-wife who died of illness. He is in his thirties this year and still has no one and a half daughters.

Men who have this disease will make people look down upon them. Even the father of Mu feels that the eldest son lacks masculinity. He speaks and does things with a pretentious expression and lacks spine.

Master Mu’s second wife gave birth to his next son, Mu Zichuan. He is his most respected child. She looks the most like him and has a clever mind. Most importantly, Mu Zichuan is born with arrogance. , Free and unrestrained arrogance.

Master Mu especially appreciates this kind of madness. It is vaguely visible that his youthful demeanor, indulgent and reckless, dare to do something, otherwise, what kind of young and frivolous?

When Mu Zichuan came back, he passed the garden, saw the two playing chess, and took a closer look.

"Bo Li is amazing, he's almost a general."

The steward Li Bo smiled and said, "Master, a true gentleman watching chess but not talking."

"It's boring to be a gentleman, it's almost the same as being a hero." Mu Zichuan joked in a good mood, "Besides, I want to be filial, how can I not save my father."

Master Mu gave him a faint smile, "If you want to be true filial piety, you should study hard. Today your teacher called home and said that you didn't go to class all afternoon. What's the matter?"

"In the afternoon it was a math class. The old man lectured very verbally and had a very heavy accent. After listening to it for a long time, I was afraid of hurting my brain." Mu Zichuan said indifferently, "I know all those questions anyway, so I'll go and rest my mind in the afternoon."

After that, he asked Master Mu: "Father, or let me skip one level? The current class sounds really boring."

"No, the school has rules, so you can't jump anymore. Don't be too proud, just consolidate your foundation."

Mu Zichuan curled the corner of his mouth lightly and let out a lazy "Oh".

Master Mu asked again: "How did you get the wound on your face?"

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