Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1374: God creates opportunities for him

"Oh, I accidentally scratched the branch, and the medicine has already been applied." Mu Zichuan said casually.

"Be careful later."

"I know, I'll go back to the room first."

Mu Zichuan waved his hand and entered the house with his hands in his pants.

The butler glanced at his back, smiled and said to Master Mu: "Master looks like he is in a good mood today."

Master Mu nodded slightly: "Well, it seems to be a little more smiling than usual."

The old housekeeper was very emotional: "Young master has grown up, he looks exactly like you when you were young, not only looks alike, but also looks alike."

"Oh?" Master Mu smiled, "What kind of look? Is it a defiant look?"

"You have to say so, even if it is." The butler also smiled.

For a father who is physically sick, there is nothing more gratifying than watching his child grow up and make a difference.


Mu Zichuan skipped the grade. He was the youngest boy in the class, but everyone convinced him.

Some people are born with leadership qualities, and they are the leaders no matter where they are placed, not to mention that they have good grades, are bold, fight hard, and have a lot of money at home.

Well, very rich.

After school, Mu Zichuan went home and changed his clothes, with a handful of tickets in his pocket, and began to wonder how to pursue Bai Wei.

Buy a bunch of red roses? ... She is so shy that she may not be willing to accept it.

Recently, music tapes are popular, but he doesn’t know whose songs she likes to listen to, or whether her family has a tape recorder.

He thought about it all the way and was about to walk near the Chinese Medicine Museum, but he still didn't think about what to buy.

God seems to be deliberately creating an opportunity for him. As soon as he turned the intersection, he saw Bai Wei rushing forward and almost ran into his arms!

But no.

Bai Wei stopped in time.

Mu Zichuan felt it was a pity, "Why are you panicking, where are you going?"

"Xiao and Xiaofen are gone, I'll find it..." Bai Wei replied, panting.

Mu Zichuan frowned upon hearing this, "Where are you going to find it?"

Bai Wei shook her head, exhaled, and spoke intermittently: "I don't know... I have to, I can only look around first..."

"It's getting dark, so how can you find the way to find it?" Mu Zichuan said, "You go to the riverbank first, and I'll ask a few people to help you find it."

Bai Wei hurriedly said, "Thank you."

"Okay, hurry up." Mu Zichuan waved impatiently, "When you find it, think about how to thank me."

Bai Wei nodded, hurriedly trot away towards the river bank.

Mu Zichuan went to the video studio, pulled out seven or eight boys from the inside, and asked them to find a cat.

Huang Mao almost wailed: "Big Brother, we are watching "The True Colors of Heroes 2"! Leslie Cheung was shot, the critical moment of the plot! You asked us to find a kitten on the street?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, look at the streets and alleys, the corners of the walls, and the places where garbage is piled." Mu Zichuan said nonchalantly, "Those who don't go are beaten, and those who go will pass the exam next week. ."

The boys broke up all at once.

"Hurry up and look for it!"

"You go over there...Big head, follow me to the alley here!"

"There are always a few stray cats in Grandma Liu's backyard, maybe there..."

Mu Zichuan glanced at the sky, the setting sun slanted westward, and the dusk wouldn't last long. If you can't find it before dark, I'm afraid you won't be able to find it again.

If you change to another cat, you may go home by yourself, but the white cat is already thin to bones, is sick, and hasn't eaten for too long. It would be a death to run away.

Mu Zichuan was inexplicably irritable after thinking about it.

Later, his hunch came true. When it was getting dark, Huang Mao and a few boys found the cat in a dead end. It was already dead.

Everyone gathered around the cat, not knowing what to do.

Mu Zichuan was also worried.

Do you want to mention a dead cat to find Bai Wei?

At this time, I heard the big head shouting from a distance: "Found it! Find the cat!"

Hugging a white cat with his big head, he ran toward here happily.

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